The Ivrean Council


After the Blight

Souriin discovers an unopened letter from Pan amongst his papers in the Rotan Palace.

Owen leads another group into the Blight near the Goblin Caves. He is able to determine that the Blight is still active in the area, but it seems to be less hostile than previously.

King Anwell’s birthday is celebrated in Rotan

Souriin meets with Damalanthas and insists that Damus once again switches the ring of mental fortitude for the ring of mind shielding.

Souriin announces that he is retiring from active duty as a Lord of Rotan. The King’s reaction to the loss of a second trusted advisor in two months is later described by members of the palace staff as “explosive” and “I ran away when he started breaking things”.

Flash returns from the west, having completed the favour Beloni asked him to do a month and a half earlier. He now carries a new blade, forged of some sort of magical green material. Upon hearing the news of his friend’s return, Souriin sends Flash a letter.

Euvgeni travels to Outreach, to oversee an extensive re-development program. This program includes replanting the areas destroyed during the war with the lizardmen and the establishment of the Dragon Watch Guard. Euvgeni is also careful to promote the leaders of the campaign against the lizardmen, to reward them for their loyal service. The elephants bought from Béray are to be integrated into the armed forces of Outreach and the necessary infrastructure to support the massive animals will be built.

Souriin sends a letter to Damalanthas.

The Draco family holds a small memorial service to mark the 11th anniversary of Garulithis Draco’s death. After the ceremony, Souriin retrieves the potion obtained from Béray which Brovan Shorn suspects may be intended for the consumption of someone who is attempting to become a lich. He begins to research the potion.

Owen begins working with the aarakocrans at the University. He intends to train the bird-men to be scouts and spies.

Tekuna celebrates her birthday. Despite an occasional furtive rumour that she is in fact much older, the official Rotan records put her age at 27.

Ghazal Nikrig reports that Li’kik’r has vanished from Dragondale. No trace of the strange insect creature can be found.

Queen Allys’ agents capture a wagon carrying a large quantity of Sunhaven gold. It is thought that the wagon was heading towards Baron Vuntar’s desert stronghold, probably as payment for the magic items he is supplying to the Sunfolk.

Damalanthas sends a letter to Souriin.

A letter arrives from Artak describing his journey to find the source of the smoke powder. In the letter, Artak says that he will be returning to Rotan soon.

The trickle of dwarves fleeing the deteriorating situation in Urgari becomes a steady flood. Tekuna’s RMA agents with contacts in Urgari believe that a faction of deep-dwelling dwarves may be at least partially responsible for the collapse of the dwarven nation.

Portions of the halfling procession split off and march towards Miris and Lerantu. The remainder of the group continues on towards Rotan.

In Pirs, agreement is reached on the nature of the new government. It consists of eight representatives from business, the church and “community leaders”.

Tekuna receives a report from the RMA factor in Lerantu drawing her attention to a significant clay-for-gold deal between the Nedgari dwarves and Orik the Bold, Governer Du Rant’s main election opponent. (Lerantu is known for the high-quality clay that is extracted from Lake Tromay.)

Reandra leaves Rotan, travelling south. Her goal is to find out more about her father's death.

The Manticorum begin to move into their new home at Griffon Keep. The call goes out to adventurers across the lands that they are welcome at Griffon Keep. In return for training and the support of the Keep, adventurers are expected to contribute a portion of any magical finds to the Keep.

Surreptitiously, King Anwell places six dozen of Rotan’s best guard units under the direct control of Fengar the Grey.

Veros Paithen, the elven ambassador to Rotan, is recalled to Miris.

A halfling named Panto approaches Sharath, an old gnomish friend living in Rotan. He claims to have found Joranth's diary in an overlooked hidden panel in his desk, two weeks earlier. As he started to read the diary, Panto saw a vision of Joranth on his horse Charge. He says that Joranth gave him the task of binding the halflings together. Joranth alledgedly told him to "Write everything down and store it. Hoard and hide food. Train swordsmen. Learn from the past and predict the future."

The RMA factor in Béray intercepts a secret message detailing the exact lay-out and structure of the University of Craft and Thought. The factor sends the message to Tekuna, who, concerned with the possible security implications, shows the message to Souriin.

Souriin visits the two remaining Catz at the House of Ostik in Lerantu. He finds the White Lion on his deathbed. The White Lion explains to the mage that he does not want his son (Pan) to continue to carry the sword of Marinor Dragonhunter. He has had a vision about the destiny of both the sword and his son, and wishes to return the sword to Souriin. He says that the sword is “to be given to the Shadow Queen as payment”. Shortly after this last conversation, the White Lion finally succumbs to the swamp fever. Souriin and Pan are both at his side when he dies.

The new Pirsian government is sworn in. They are all required to take a public oath that they will govern in the best interests of Pirs.

In Waterloaf, a semi-formal band of soldiers known as the Waterloavian Army has formed under the leadership of Kellan the Sword. Perrin the Cheese is sent by the Waterloaf Council (still based in Rotan) to give the Council's support to Kellan.

Tess Sulinavallea (Dean of the School of Science at the University) publishes a report on the nature of the Mind and Blight Crystals. She deduces that the crystals act as deposits for psionic energy and makes two interesting extrapolations: 1. She believes that having some sort of psionic energy storage device nearby may be a prerequisite for creatures using psionic powers. 2. Prolonged exposure to the storage devices may increase the likelihood of an individual manifesting psionic abilities.

Nevril Leach, the dwarven head of the powerful Agari Trading Company, sends a representative to visit Tekuna. Nevril is interesting in exploring some sort of alliance between Agari and the RMA.

Euvgeni visits Pirs to negotiate a trade deal between Pirs and Outreach. His intention is to avoid Tekuna’s planned Rotan Standards Board.

The RMA’s annual week-long “Feed the Poor” campaign is held in Rotan. Prominent citizens in the city get involved in distributing food and clothes to the less fortunate. Many of the beneficiaries of this year’s efforts are dwarves who have fled to Nedgari and Rotan from Urgari.

Repairs are completed on the former University Estate in Pirs. The new Pirsian government signs an agreement with the University of Craft and Thought to establish the Pirsian College of Wizardry on the estate.

Following the establishment of a second magical institute, Souriin Draco announces that in times of state of emergency, each institution will be responsible for the welfare of the lands around it. Both the University and the College will act in accordance with the Ivrean Council's decisions, but with the restriction that they will not enter into combat, except for pure self-defense. Any members of the University or the College that defy this restriction will be barred from the grounds of the institutions forever.

Souriin resigns as the Chancellor of the University of Craft and Thought. Belimirar is appointed as the new Chancellor.

A new elven ambassador (Jillay Promethias – a dour, softly spoken woman) arrives in Rotan.

The number of dwarves who have fled Urgari for the surrounding lands reaches approximately 5000, or almost an eighth of the total population of the mountain kingdom.

King Anwell meets with Jillay Promethias to discuss a possible lumber trade deal.

Souriin sends a letter to Belimirar.

Souriin visits the Bird Islands to find a suitable location to begin work on project Deathwatch. He finds the Wizard of the Moon’s residence almost totally destroyed, and tales of a dragon attack abound in the islands.

Reports of a massive outbreak of disease arrive from Feroll. The overcrowded city (which is housing most of the refugees from Tilloniti) is unable to sustain its current population. Mito, the leader of Feroll is still missing.

Some of the members of the Manticorum leave Griffon Keep. Damalanthas leaves to visit Camanthalar's tower, Roleen travels north to try to help combat the plague and Hastarr heads south, back towards the desert. The remaining five members (Jess, Thoylin, Thalakos, Destrith (comatose) and Burr) remain at Griffon Keep, although Burr also spends large periods of time in Rotan, helping prepare for the arrival of the Joranth's funeral procession.

Euvgeni sends a group of representatives (including Dranbur the freed giant) to open communications with the giants in the Giantdowns.

A letter from Souriin to Damalanthas arrives at the Rotan Palace.