From: Souriin Draco
Damalanthas, If the glimpses that we have been given come true, the road ahead is very bleak indeed. I tell you the truth, so you can arm yourself with it. It is most likely, that if I have to use my plans (and I will do so only in the utmost emergency) I will one way or another become a hated man. Psionicists are impossible to fight by conventional forces. They turn your allies into foes, and there is no quicker way to force a rout. While they possess powers against inanimate objects, they are nowhere near as impressive as against living targets. Since the beginning, my favourite sphere has been that of alteration/transmutation, and yet this is the one that failed me the most. You see, I need carriers to bring the destructive power that we have learnt in the Other World to the attackers. The best all-terrain vehicle is the human body. Which brings me to the point. I intend to use necromancy to create the needed army. I know you will disapprove quite vocally, but before you tear this up, think about it logically. You know I'm right. But, if time has taught me anything, is that one should never leave a plan without a backup. To prevent my forces from being wrested from my control, and used against the land, I'm creating an area-affecting counterspell to unbind my runes of destruction. This should ensure that you have something to fall back on. I have broken all ties to all organisations of law. I suggest you emphasise this whenever opportunity strikes. I could not stand it if all I have worked for came crumbling down because of my actions. I will contact you, or you can leave a message at the University, as I will check in from time to time. Your Friend
P.S. The gods are fickle and serve
many peoples. Do not trust them to save Humanity, if the trolls attack.