Souriin's Letter to Belimirar

This letter was sent to Belimirar on 2705:6:25, shortly before Souriin's departure for the Bird Islands.

From: Souriin Draco
To: Belimirar Wozacon-Ley
Date: 2705:6:25

Dearest Belimirar

You have been one of my closest friends through the years. It has reached the point where I depend on you as I depend on my own limbs. Yet, in retrospect, I feel that I have not done you justice. I hope that your promotion to the position of Chancellor will finally show people what I have known all along – beneath that quiet exterior lies a soul that is both kind and true, as it is wise. Make yourself heard Belimirar. Get it through people's heads that you are the leader of the Universities, and that it is not a temporary position. Go to Damalanthas to arrange a strong and positive public relations campaign. If you hear any bad news of me, make sure the University distances itself from me, and even opposes my actions (which I'm certain that you'll do once you know what I'm up to).

Know that I'm always there for you, and that true friendships never die. If you need me, I'll be there.

Your friend,