From: Souriin Draco
I know this might seem an inappropriate question to ask, but Hawthorn is reaching an age where her education must take a more academic approach. You, I'm sure, do not wish to deny her the opportunities that a knowledge-broadened world can provide. As you might or might not know, the University of Craft and Thought provides a broad range of topics of study, and while she might not want to be a mage, they could teach her to read and write, and introduce her to the wonders of the world around us. There is a limited knowledge that each one of us can pass on individually, but a place of learning is like a bottomless well. I have acquired the services of one of the wisest elven ladies that I have had the pleasure of meeting. She could, better than anyone, teach Hawthorn the elven traditions, so that her heritage is not forgotten. This I tell you as a way of proposing something to you. I'm soon leaving on a journey that will be filled with darkness. I need someone innocent, someone who's a good friend to stand with me to make sure I do not falter. If you decide to come, I'll pick you up at the University on the 26th day of the sixth month. Hawthorn would be in good hands. I know, as I grew up amongst a crowd like this. They might be stuffy, but they really care. Whether or not you come, the offer to Hawthorn is always open. She is like a niece to me, even though I have not spent much time with her recently. Always your friend,