The Pirsian Government has its first
formal session. The first resolution of the Government is a remarkable
one. The government resolves to send a formal letter to each of the rulers
of the former Ivrean lands (Rotan, Béray, Tillon, Feroll, Meldora,
Lerantu, Simipia and Pirs itself) suggesting the following. (a) The Council
of War should be formally accepted by all Ivrean nations as the ultimate
ruling body for the entire Ivrean basin. (b) Each of the former Ivrean
lands must appoint a representative to the Council and each representative
will have one voice in any matter requiring a vote. (c) Individual nations
will remain autonomous as far as affairs within their own borders are concerned.
However, they must defer to the Council of War on matters of regional importance.
(The missive from the Pirsian government makes it clear that the Pirsian
government is prepared to accept this proposed treaty as binding, provided
that there is agreement amongst all of the other Ivrean nations.)
Damalanthas arrives at Camanthalar’s
tower in the lower level of the elven capital of Miris és Lirias-Tora
after paying a brief visit to his former adventuring companion Ammandor.
Damalanthas is very surprised to discover than the Camanthalar’s guardians
are still in place. In theory, the guardians should have been dismissed
upon the elven mage’s death. During the course of his (rather cautious)
investigations of the tower, Damus recovers several potentially useful
magical items, as well Camanthalar’s research notes on the Blight (which
seem to be written in some sort of code) and several spell books.
Kyra Jessa celebrates her 37th birthday
in Outreach.
Damalanthas asks one of the elven
Ministers to conduct an elven religious ritual on behalf of Camanthalar.
The Minister gives a most enigmatic response: “It would not be proper to
conduct the Ritual of Passing for one who has not truly passed.”
Nevril Leach arrives in Rotan for
business discussions with Tekuna Chand.
The RMA begins constructing several
new warehouses. Rumour has it that these are linked to King Anwell’s discussion
with the elven ambassador regarding a lumber trade deal.
Indo the Loremaster is admitted onto
the Waterloaf Council. He has been researching historical combat tactics
of halflings and gnomes. He requests the Council's permission to send teams
to search the great libraries for other lost tomes.
Reports indicate a sharp increase
in the number of bandit attacks on trade routes between Lerantu, Meldora
and Rotan. Annaline signs a contract with the Rotan Merchant Guard (a quasi-formal
mercenary group in Rotan) to provide better protection to the members of
the Rotan Merchant Alliance.
Word reaches Rotan via the RMA factor
in Triscoh that the ruler of the dwarven nation – King Kanharn – has been
assassinated. It is alleged that one of the dwarven factions is responsible.
The dwarven nation begins to collapse entirely and it is almost certain
that the dark elves are using this opportunity to gain ground in their
underground war with the dwarves. An immediate result of the collapse of
the dwarven kingdom is that the price of metal goods (which were already
climbing) goes through the roof. Weapons and the like are selling for up
to ten times their usual price.
This day marks Damalanthas’ 32nd
birthday. Acting on an extremely strong hunch, Damus cuts short his investigation
of Camanthalar’s tower. He returns to Rotan, but collapses in the street.
Rue Niam (Sepyt’s daughter) happens to be the first person on the scene
and the bard is taken to the Temple of Rotan. In a very vivid dream, the
child-goddess of the city approaches him. She offers him a choice of three
gifts: (1) the missing Manticorum blade, (2) a sceptre topped with a richly
carved, beaming sun or (3) a fairly plain ceramic disk with an encircled-eye
on it. Damalanthas chooses the disk.
After recovering from his strange
dream at the Temple of Rotan, Damalanthas finds the letter left by Souriin
at the palace a week earlier. He sends his
reply to the University.
King Anwell responds to the Pirsian
initiative very promptly, sending letters to all of the Ivrean rulers pledging
Rotan’s support for the Ivrean Council.
Burr intercepts a
letter from an unknown source to King Ter-shai of Miris regarding the
Manticorum. Just hours later, Tekuna intercepts an identical letter addressed
to King Anwell.
Roleen, who is helping to combat
the plague in Feroll sends word that the situation is not as bad as initially
thought. The pestilence is under control, but she warns that care should
be taken with trade activities in the north, to prevent it from spreading
Damalanthas dispatches Thoylin to
Simipia and Thalakos to Meldora, to put pressure on the leaders of those
nations to agree to the Pirsian proposal.
pens a letter to Euvgeni and gives it to Raggins to deliver.
Five teams of seekers are sent out
by the halflings, in an attempt to recover ancient halfling war tomes and
secrets. One heads towards the elves, one towards the dwarves, one towards
Béray, one to Feroll and the last to Lemonaris. Warrath forms part
of the team travelling to Miris.
Raggins leaves for Outreach, aiming
to set up an office of the RMA there (as well as delivering Damus’ letter).
Felon Tardan's family is killed while
on a trip to Tillon.
The halfling procession with Joranth’s
body arrives in Rotan, increasing the number of little people dramatically.
Damalanthas invites several families to settle in New Ivrea.
Ghazal Nikrig sends a message to
Tekuna, requesting a meeting to discuss the possibility of working together
on the proposed Standards Board. He wishes to enter Draco Trading into
some sort of agreement with the RMA.
From the desert, Hastarr sends word
that Baron Vuntar appears to have uncovered some ancient ruins, and has
set up camp there. It is likely that the ruins are the source of the magical
items. Hastarr specifically notes that Vuntar’s camp is almost impossibly
difficult to find, but gives no indication of how he managed it.
The RMA launches the Nedgari Gem
Emporium – a jewellery and gemstones outlet – in the dwarven city.
Ghazal Nikrig and Tekuna Chand meet
in Rotan to discuss the Rotan Standards Board.
The flow of dwarven refugees from
Urgari becomes almost overwhelming. Even though both Fengar and King Anwell
appear to have planned well for the influx of dwarves, the combination
of the halfling immigrants and dwarven refugees stretches the resources
in Nedgari and Rotan to the limit. Word comes from Lerantu that the situation
there is even more dire – Governor du Rant has been forced to close the
city walls to prevent the city from being overwhelmed. This is not going
down well with traders and might wreck the Governor’s chances of being
re-elected in next month’s elections.
Damus sends Jess to Lerantu to bolster
support for the Governor and keep an eye on events in the city. She is
also to put pressure on Lerantu to co-operate with the Pirsian initiative.
The bard has supplied her with a substantial purse to achieve these objectives.
Dagaronzie attacks one of the Dragon
Watch units near Outreach. Survivors claim that the dragon carried away
two of the guards.
In Rotan, Damalanthas launches a
publicity campaign promoting New Ivrea and the Manticorum.
The Waterloaf Council relocates from
Rotan to Waterloaf. The last official duty of the Council before moving
back to the south is to bless the halfling village in New Ivrea.
The Pirsian government retracts Gramm
Eddar's research grant and the alchemist joins Project Deathwatch. A rumour
circulates that perhaps Souriin Draco had the grant pulled in order to
get Gramm.
Queen Allys sends a letter to all
of the Ivrean rulers in response to the Pirsian initiative. She agrees
to the proposal and suggests that the invitation be extended to both Outreach
and Waterloaf.
Tekuna’s latest goldfish (Sid) dies
during a freak lighting strike. She replaces him with a cactus.
Damalanthas writes letters to the
rulers supporting the proposal to include Outreach and Waterloaf in the
Council of War.
Souriin’s plans for project Deathwatch
are progressing well. By now he has assembled a group of six other mages
to help with the project, and they have begun building a base on one of
the remotest of the Bird Islands.
The expedition sent by Euvgeni to
the Giantdowns returns with the news that the giants seem to be fighting
a fierce war with a large group of beholders. The representatives from
Outreach decided not to try to make contact through the war zone and have
instead returned to Outreach to give Euvgeni this news.
King Loren of Tilloniti sends a
message to the Ivrean rulers from famine- and plague-ridden Feroll, also
agreeing to the Pirsian proposal. He also notes that Mito, the ruler of
Feroll is still missing, but states that the Cities Elders agree and that
he is sure Mito would also agree to the proposal.
The new elven ambassador – Jillay
Promethias – requests than King Anwell block all cavarans belonging to
Nirvon Drever from passing through the city. Jillay claims that Nirvon
has begun transporting
leaves to outlying elven settlements. Sale of the plant is forbidden
in Miris.
Late at night, a message from the
previous elven ambassador – Veros Paithen – is delivered to Damalanthas
at Griffon Keep. The former ambassador warns that all is not as it seems
within the elven nation. He claims that the elves are suppressing news
of their war against the snake-people in the south east and that the elves
have recently been suffering serious losses. He tells Damalanthas to ask
all of the Lords to watch their backs. He closes by saying that he may
one day need to ask for a favour from his human friends, and that he hopes
that they will trust him enough to help when that day arrives.
The Rotan Merchant Alliance releases
the first edition of the RMA Times – a newsletter giving updates on trading
routes and merchant activities across the lands. Bolyani Thombarl has been
appointed by the RMA as the publisher of the newsletter.
Several reports surface of the theft
of minor items which belonged to Joranth. In many cases, the theft is only
discovered by chance, as the stolen item are replaced with similar ones.
Euvgeni arrives in Rotan. He meets
with Belimirar to suggest the founding of a University in Outreach and
with representatives of the halflings to invite them to visit and perhaps
settle in the southern forest nation.
Hastarr meets with Prince Fen-Reshk
of the lizardmen and asks for their assistance in the Ivrean Council. The
lizards agree to supply a team of Pundak riders for the members of the
Ivrean Council to use as high-speed transport.
Lurik Mien – head of the Church
of Artafor in Rotan – proudly announces that he has been instrumental in
setting up a personal visit to Rotan by the elven King. This is confirmed
by the elven ambassador, who notes that this will be the first time the
King has left the elven lands for over 200 years.
Raggins arrives in Outreach to set
up the RMA’s office. He passes Damus’ letter on to Euvgeni.
The collapse of the Mind Crystal
market in Simipia leads to a massive shake up between the trading Houses.
Many of the oldest Houses (including the House of the Night Owl and the
House of the Spitting Cobra) collapse entirely. When the dust settles,
only five Houses remain in the far northern city.
Dagaronzie makes what is obviously
a well-planned attack on Outreach. The dragon specifically targets Euvgeni’s
home. Kyra and Euvgeni’s children manage to escape the attack, thanks to
the heroic actions of a young Dragon Watch guardsman, Kir Potenis, but
one of the twins is quite badly injured in the attack.
Euvgeni sends his family to the
city of the lizardmen for safety, and sends a message to Damalanthas: “I
seem to have become a target of Dagaronzie, through my family. Already
one of my children has been badly hurt and the Dragon will eventually make
life in Outreach unbearable. I believe it must be eliminated or parlayed
with. Your comment would be appreciated.” In the same letter Euvgeni agrees
to help Damus financially.
Prince Elryk of Meldora responds
cautiously to the Pirsian missive. The Meldorans support the principle
of the Council of War, but question whether a one-nation-one-voice structure
is truly representative of the Ivrean nations.
Governor Du Rant also finally responds
to the Pirsian missive, but although he too supports the principle of the
Council of War, he is unable to give any firm commitment from Lerantu until
after the forthcoming elections.
The Waterloaf Council announces
the launch of the Crusaders for the Inked Sword, an organisation dedicated
to the preservation and protection of the halfling race. Kellan places
his army under the control of the Crusaders, and the Waterloavian Army
gets dubbed "the swords".
Damalanthas begins translating some
higher level spells into bardic notes. He also makes another attempt to
learn the detect psionics spell.
There seems to be consensus amongst
the Ivrean rulers that both Outreach and Waterloaf should be included in
the permanent Ivrean Council. King Anwell sends invitations to Euvgeni
and to Roschilda on behalf of the Ivrean rulers.
Euvgeni’s family arrives in the city
of the lizardmen. As fate would have it, their arrival coincides with a
very portentous naming ceremony. As is traditional following a migration,
the lizardpeople have decided to rename their land and their nation. The
old name “Hlussas” is spoken for the last time at the ceremony and a new
name is chosen by ZzerisS the Highdreamer. She names the nation “SseS”,
which means simply “new”. During the course of the ceremony the twin of
the child injured by Dagaronzie accidentally upsets a smoking brazier.
As a result, ZzerisS gives him the lizard name “Kess-shazz” which means
Both Euvgeni's scouts and Tekuna's
representatives in the desert city have confirmed that Queen Allys seems
to be putting a lot of effort into stopping Baron Vuntar's activities.
She obviously bears him a serious grudge, particularly since she is well
aware that other leaders think that she is somehow involved in his nefarious
plans. Unfortunately for her, not one of the mercenary groups she has sent
to hunt down the Baron have been successful. For unknown reasons, none
of the groups have even been able to locate Baron's secret camp. The only
lead they have is that he has apparently dubbed it "Paradise". All of the
sources in Béray agree that the Queen has been spending a lot of
money trying to get to the bottom of the Baron's activities and it seems
quite unlikely that she is involved in his schemes.
Far to the east, on Deathwatch Isle,
Souriin Draco and the alchemist Gramm Eddar make a break-through in their
efforts to create an explosive mixture useful for detonation at a distance.
Although the process is still expensive, Gramm is confident that the project
will eventually be able to reduce the costs of producing the mixture.
The RMA, the Pirsian Merchants’
Fold and the Scarlet Ring jointly purchase several of the largest vessels
in the Pirsian fleet. They aim to set up a regular shipping route along
the east and north coasts. This is the result of several months discussion
under the banner of the Marine Traders’ Consortium
A trickle of minor magical items
(mostly potions and an occasional scroll) has been arriving at Griffon
Keep, but not surprisingly, the adventurers using the Keep as a base seem
reluctant to give up their more powerful acquisitions.
From Simipia, Thoylin reports that
a side effect of the recent turmoil between the Houses is that the case
against Damalanthas seems to have been dropped.
A book on halfling war tactics is
recovered from Miris. After reading it, Kellan the Sword adds engineering
troops to his army. Many gnomes volunteer for this service.
An anonymous letter arrives at Griffon
Keep. The author claims to have heard that the Manticorum might be in the
market for “magical steeds” and claims that he (or she) may be able to
facilitate some sort of deal. The author suggests that if the rumour is
true, the Manticorum should make some general enquiries in the Rotan market
and he (or she) will be in touch again thereafter.
The Waterloaf Council sets-up the
Halfling Produce Consortium, based in the halfling village at New Ivrea.
Despite the complete chaos caused
by the dwarven refugees, elections are held in Lerantu. Orik the Bold somehow
manages to beat Governor Du Rant by a small margin, and despite accusations
of vote rigging and corruption, Orik becomes the new Governor of Lerantu.
King Anwell calls for a second Council
of War to be held, beginning in exactly one month’s time (on the 15th day
of the 9th month). He sends a formal note to all of the Ivrean rulers,
as well as Euvgeni Maryamitrevnavich and Roschilda of the Halflings. At
the same time, he announces that Rotan will make a one-time donation of
250,000 gold coins for the development of New Ivrea, and he challenges
the other rulers to match this contribution.
It is rumoured that ex-Governor
Du Rant has fled Lerantu with his wife Helen, following threats on both
their lives from sympathetic supporters of Governor Orik.
The only Ivrean nation which has
not yet responded– Simipia – responds to the Pirsian missive with the same
concerns as Prince Elryk of Meldora. The Simipian Merchant Guilds support
the Ivrean Council in principle, but are concerned that the representation
may biased. They also indicate a desire to involve both the Tel people
and some sort of dwarven delegation on the Council.
Work begins on the two matching Heroes’
Walls commission by Damalanthas. They are to be built at Griffon Keep and
at New Ivrea.
The RMA Times reports that Governor
Orik has given the dwarves the village of Spilini on the northern shores
of Lake Tromay to call their own. It is rumoured that he has done so over
the objections of the villagers themselves, simply in order to alleviate
the load on the city of Lerantu.
Fengar contacts Damalanthas and
suggests that Urak, a recent dwarven settler and a master weapon-smith,
may be able to fix the main Manticorum blade.
With encouragement from the Council,
the Crusaders begin a program encouraging residents of Waterloaf to carry
daggers and to make a written record of their family trees and family history.
A halfling by the name of Humgar is collecting all of this information
into a huge tome titled "The Book of Us"
A group of elven royal guards arrives
to check on the security arrangements for the Elven King’s upcoming visit.
They are warmly welcomed by Lurik Mien.
Another message from Veros Paithen
(the previous elven ambassador) is delivered to Griffon Keep. Once again,
he urges all of the Lords to be extremely careful and he seems convinced
that there is some sort of plot against at least one of them. Perhaps more
surprisingly, he reports that Camanthalar’s tower on the outskirts of Miris
has been attacked and partially destroyed two weeks earlier. Rumours abound
in Miris that a dragon was responsible for this attack, but the former
ambassador has been unable to confirm this.
Roschilda of the Halflings makes
an agreement with King Anwell for the halflings to supply enough grain
and foods to fill cities food silos.
Thalakos returns to Griffon Keep
from Meldora to add the final touches to the Heroes’ Wall there.
A letter arrives at the Keep addressed
to “The Most Honourable and Respected Leader of the Manticorum”. The letter
notes recent rumours that the Manticorum wishes to obtain magical artefacts
and includes an offer to supply large quantities of such goods. The letter
suggests that the Manticorum send an emissary to the city of Strontal to
negotiate a deal. Startlingly, it appears to have been signed by the enigmatic
Baron Vuntar.
The Blight closest to Rotan mysteriously
dissipates. Owen investigates and discovers that the Blight Crystal has
somehow been destroyed. There is no evidence of a physical presence, which
leads Owen to believe that the crystal was somehow destroyed remotely.
Owen is able to salvage enough crystal fragments to perhaps be able to
fashion a replacement for his own crystals.
Rotan’s inner diplomatic circles
are rocked by a dramatic accusation from Lurik Mien – head of the Artaforian
Church. He claims that recent investigations by the church have revealed
that Damalanthas Quithas was the person behind the theft of the third and
final wish from Rotan’s ring of wizardry more than a decade earlier. Hoping
to clear this matter up before it snowballs, King Anwell immediately sends
his personal messenger to Griffon Keep to request that Damalanthas present
himself in Rotan to answer this accusation. In the letter, the King suggests
that the Temple of Rotan act as a neutral third party to determine the
truth of the matter.
At the University of Craft and Thought,
the elderly owl Archimedes dies. At the same instant, on Deathwatch Isle
many miles to the east, Souriin Draco falls into a coma. The other members
of project Deathwatch carry the mage’s body to a quiet chamber and a raven
which has been seen circling in the skies above the island for several
days flies in through the window and alights at the end of Souriin’s bed.