From: Souriin Draco
Damalanthas, While the Universities would like to remain as autonomous as possible, I realise that it is impossible for them to remain apart without alienating the populace. While members of the University can hold other positions, no member will be permitted to work directly for any particular government other than in an advisory capacity, for which the member may collect no rewards or titles. In times when the Ivrean Council announces a state of emergency in a region, the University in that region must all help, including its magical assets to aid the populace. This will never include any military action whatsoever, other than to support the lands where an army might be passing. The members are bound to this on the pain of life-long excommunication from all centres of learning. The centres are meant to remain as storehouses of the knowledge of the region, so that if all should go to chaos, this would ease the life of future generations. I ask that just as I never interfered with your plans for the Manticorum, and never bound any false magics into the blades, that you, Damalanthas, do not snoop into my business for the next several months. I want you to promise this as a friend. I also intend to break my affiliations with any political organisations, as I feel that I may be despised at some stage in the future, and I do not wish this to focus on anything they have built. Your friend,