Game 21:
Flash obtains a potion from Sepyt
Niam and travels to Deathwatch Isle to assist Souriin. The mage recovers
from his coma, but the strange raven has replaced Archimedes as his familiar.
Damalanthas, King Anwell and Lurik
Mien hold a meeting to discuss Lurik’s accusations against the bard. Despite
a request from the King, Sepyt refuses to be drawn into the argument.
During the course of the night, Wanwier
is kidnapped from the Temple of Rotan. Damalanthas attempts to contact
Wanwier, but only manages to communicate very briefly with him. Wanwier
says “protect Artak – the elves want both of us”.
Investigations by Tekuna Chand implicate
the elven royal guards in the kidnapping. Suspicion also falls on Lurik
Mien, who arranged for the guards to stay in the Temple. Embarrassed by
this chain of events, Lurik drops the charges against Damalanthas. The
elven King’s visit is cancelled – allegedly because of insufficient security.
However, given the apparent involvement of the elves in the kidnapping,
it seems doubtful if a visit was ever seriously intended.
Dark elves seize control of the
remains of the city of Urgari and close off the mountain entrance to the
outside world. It is assumed that all of the remaining dwarves are killed
or enslaved.
Tekuna travels to Meldora to investigate
Lurik’s links to the church there.
Thalakos visits New Ivrea to put
his touches to the Heroes’ Wall there and to assist with the ongoing construction
At the University, there is an outbreak
of the viral spell Damus obtain from Alain Detarin. Emergency measures
are put in place – all students are alerted, libraries are carefully checked
for copies of the spell and special procedures are introduced for handling
any new spells. These measures seem to prevent further contamination. However,
there does not seem to be any cure for people already affected.
Owen resettles the bird-men on a
mountain ledge near to New Ivrea. The new aarakocran settlement isonly
accessible from air. There is a small mountain stream nearby.
Nesgasp sends a dream to Flash,
Souriin, Damalanthas and Euvgeni. They hear his voice speaking as the dream
“Where the Great Desert
is now, once stood a great and prosperous city. Masters of magic, these
people learned to conquer death itself and lived longer even than the elves
of today. Many wise men and women led the people, but none was more respected
than Amurat. But a long-life can lead a man to think of things best
left alone. Virtual immortality was not enough for Amurat. He aspired to
lead his people to god-hood itself. With the backing of his peers, he began
a series of experiments, designed to test the limits of magic and imbue
all of his people with divine powers. In time, Amurat’s obsessive experiments
became desperate and twisted. His peers began to doubt him. The other leaders
met secretly to plot against Amurat. But the plotters were betrayed. There
were those still loyal to Amarut who pretended to act against him. A great
and terrible battle ensued. Although his opponents outnumbered Amarut and
his supporters, Amarut unleased dark and unknown powers against them. After
days of fighting, Amarut retreated into his private sanctum. Amarut’s opponents
harnessed their remaining power and sealed him inside the sanctum. Then,
hearts weary and infinitely sad, they called the land up to take back the
city, so that none would ever disturb Amarut’s slumber.”
It is revealed to the Lords that Nesgasp
was one of those who plotted against Amarut, and his brother, Despar Sharn
was one of those who fought at Amurat’s side. The buried city where Amarut
lies is apparently the source of the magical items being unearthed by Baron
After they have experienced this
dream, the Lords fall into a deep sleep and are transported to a location
in the Great Desert. They meet Hastarr ‘neff Said, who resigns his position
as a member of the Manticorum. He says he can no longer serve the bard.
Hastarr shows them the way to the Baron’s camp – a site he has dubbed “Paradise”
During their journey across the desert,
the adventurers encounter some fiery skeletal guardians. With some effort,
they are able to despatch the creatures and shortly afterwards they stumble
across one of the Baron’s excavation sites.
The Lords decide to explore what
seems to be a buried tower, and end up fighting a cunning and resourceful
scorpion-like creature. Although they are not able to kill the creature,
they manage to salvage some treasure from its lair.
In the evening, the Lords find Baron
Vuntar himself at another excavation site. They have a fierce argument
with him about the dangers of excavating near the buried city. After using
the message tubes to consult with Nesgasp, the Lords agree to form a partnership
with the Baron to finish the excavations, but on the condition that the
inner sanctum of the tower complex will not be breached.
While the excavations continue,
Amurat, evidently reviving from his slumber, seizes control of Garet Ludd,
one of the Baron’s henchman. Garet comes close to breaching the sanctity
of the inner chambers but it stopped by the heroes before he can complete
his task.
Souriin makes the most of the heroes’
encounters with several undead creatures. He collect several specimens
to use in his research.
Today is Artak of Triscoh’s 37th
birthday. He has not been seen for months.
At New Ivrea, the second Council
of War commences.
Juli Mayberry, a halfling priestess
of Egreera, arrives in Outreach. She soon becomes fast friends with Kyra
Jessa and regularly looks after the Marytrevnavich children.
Owen leaves Rotan to return south.
His destination is the Runic Lake.
Joranth’s War Drums are stolen from
the Rotan Palace.
The Lords and the Baron agree that
there is nothing further to be gained from the excavations. They divide
up the treasures they have found and go their separate ways.
Damalanthas, Souriin and Euvgeni
arrive at the Council of War in time to participate in the final rounds
of discussions. Progress towards a formal Ivrean Council has been surprisingly
Souriin presents his "To the Esteemed
Nations" letter requesting neutral status for magical learning institutions
at the second Council of War.
The historic Treaty of New Ivrea
is signed. Under this Treaty, a Council made up of representatives from
the surrounding nations is to be permanently established at New Ivrea.
This Council will direct regional preparations for the coming trollish
invasion. Representatives from the following nations sign the treaty: Béray,
Lerantu, Meldora, Outreach, Pirs, Rotan, Simipia, Tillon and Waterloaf.
There is the sad news that a student
at the College of Wizardry attempted to teleport to a school in Pirs for
a demonstration of magic. The student miscast the spell and ended up half-embedded
in the floor of the school. There is public outrage at the traumatised
children and the Pirsian council outlaws the use of any magical transportation
spells in the Nation of Pirs.