Halfling Produce Consortium

The Halfling Produce Consortium is a fairly new halfling trading association, established in 2705:8. The HPC is based in New Ivrea and has been working very actively to stockpile food in many locations in the Ivrean basin. This project (dubbed “Fill Those Silos” by the halflings) is a co-operative initiative with the Crusaders. Most of this food is being stored in the warehouses rented by the CIS from the Rotan Merchant Alliance.
Correspondence with the Halfling Produce Consortium
(from Lurin Fenotes’ archives)
My Lady,

Please may we arrange a meeting? With the Ivrean Council’s recent declarations, we believe that it is in everyone's best interest to keep trading under strict control. To this end we would like to discuss the impact of fixing the prices of all basic essentials at this point in time, and the best manner in which it may be achieved.

For reasons of safety we will approach you as an organisation and the individual delegates will be made clear later. Obviously we understand that you might be a little wary of this being a trap, hence we invite you to determine the time and place of the meeting (although as soon as possible would be preferable). 

You are more then welcome to confirm the details with the HPC and other individuals.


The Halfling Produce Consortium.


To Whom It May Concern

Dear Whom

Thank you for your letter regarding the regulation of pricing. While the RMA encourages free enterprise by its members, it is also a founding member of the Standards Board. Said body is currently drafting trade specifications for quality and other metrics, which we believe beneficial to both merchant and customer.

It is our understanding that the HPC is involved in the Board at present. Perhaps a sub-committee could be formed to investigate how the Board’s draft recommendations could be applied to pricing, in particular referencing your suggestions.

With troubled times upon us, the likely upheavals in supply and demand are expected to affect prices unpredictably. We of the RMA will welcome any suggestions for ensuring the stability of the supply chain, an essential step to levelling prices.

The RMA welcomes closer ties with any foreign trading concern, and it will be our pleasure to host meetings to those ends. May I suggest we meet within Rotan, a week hence? If you could simply let us know the likely size of your delegation, we will be honoured to manage the logistics and catering for your visit.

Lurin Fenotes
pp Tekuna Chand


To Lurin Fenotes

We thank for you for your offer. We shall be at your disposal at the duly appointed time and location. The party will include 3 members; their names will be forwarded to you in due course.

In order to provide groundwork for the discussion, the idea that we wish to propose is that for the duration of the Council of War, a complete price fix is placed upon essential goods. Further discussion about the ties between the RMA and HPC are of course welcome, as working together (especially in these troubled times) can only be beneficial.

Once more we thank you


The HPC Board