Nedgari (the dwarven town near Rotan)
is founded by Fengar the Grey.
There are reports of occurrences
of the Blight in other lands.
The Lords of Rotan return from the
Damalanthas christens the fountain
in Rotan
Wellinghove. He also begins to pen a "fiction" book titled
Lords of Time.
Euvgeni returns to Outreach.
Flash settles in a treetop cottage
(known as the Treehouse) near the Druids’ Conclave. Sonya leaves Flash
to go adventuring, with a promise to one-day return. Flash remains alone
to raise Hawthorn.
Damalathas begins travelling the
lands to track down his mother, Liria. He also begins to better understand
the politics of the former lands of Ivrea.
Tekuna sets up proper trading routes
between Simipia and Lerantu, and Rotan.
Souriin travels with Joranth to
the Great Library of Lemonaris. Joranth is searching for information on
the seemingly almost extinct faith of Cha-im, Souriin seeks to learn more
about the spiritual planes and his family lineage.
Damalanthas meets Hastarr in the
great desert.
The Rotan-Nedgari treaty is signed.
The treaty gives Nedgari independence from Rotan in most internal affairs
and details plans for future co-operation between the two settlements.
These plans include the construction of a nearby lake.
Damalanthas obtains the Lyre of Building
during desert travels with Hastarr, but is forced to give up his harp Lullaby
in the process.
Triplets are born to Euvgeni and
Kyra Jess’a.
Trade between Rotan and other countries,
particularly Urgari and Miris, increases dramatically.
Joranth leaves Lemonaris to travel
to Meticar to spend some time with his children and do further research.
Work begins on Lake Nedgari.
Euvgeni begins work on his Twin
Histories of Outreach.
Damalanthas meets Burr and they
explore the crypt of Despar Sharn together.
Souriin returns to Draco Farm and
founds the University of Craft and Thought.
Damalanthas returns to Rotan, unsuccessful
in his quest to find his mother.
Jimmy MacCaret, a dwarven weapon-
and rune-smith joins the recently opened University.
The University of Craft and Magic
sends out its first group of Talent Scouts. Souriin Draco and his former
adventuring companion Damalanthas Quithas lead this very first "Scouting".
The University formally opens its
doors. Souriin takes the role of Chancellor and Belimirar Wozacon-Ley is
appointed Vice Chancellor.
An assassination attempt on Fengar’s
life leads to an increase in policing in Rotan; the Rotan thieves guild
is apparently shut down.
Souriin quaffs a potion of Longevity.
Damalanthas meets Uther Smith of
Tellis for the first time.
Tekuna Chand establishes a "Gentleman’s
Club" in Rotan, called the Rotan Merchant’s Alliance (RMA).
Blight appears in the Rasra forests
and around Goblin Caverns.
Euvgeni establishes several Artisans’
Guilds in Outreach. Souriin visits Outreach for a couple of weeks.
The RMA launches its "Feed the Poor"
campaign, with much public support.
Euvgeni travels to Rotan for two
months to establish an Artisan’s Guild there and, in co-operation with
Fengar the Grey, a warrior’s guild and a mint in Nedgari.
The University of Craft and Thought
opens up the first of its new buildings – the School of Magical Arts. Tellessa
Silinavallea joins the University as Dean of the School of Science and
Jimmy MacCaret takes the position of Dean of the School of Craft. Souriin
takes the position of acting Dean of the School of Magic.
Souriin begins work on the Manticorum
Damalanthas meets Roleen Cassandra
whilst building his Manor House on Tilloniti.
Sepyt tells Souriin some of the
history of the Draco family. It is recorded by an unknown eavesdropper.
Twins are born to Euvgeni and Kyra
Damalanthas obtains the Life Blade
from Flash.
During a secret journey south, Damalanthas,
Thoylin and Uther help protect Ayak and Inky's eggs from raiders.
Lake Nedgari is completed.
Thalakos asks Damalanthas to make
him a member of the Manticorum.
Damalanthas and Thalakos returns
from a quest to Mt Navia to capture some of the essence of the efreeti
chained there. Souriin needs this as a component to continue his work on
the Manticorum.
Souriin and Jimmy complete the first
Manticorum blade. Thalakos becomes the first member of the Manticorum to
formally carry a blade.
Blight is reported on the Plains
of Karata.
Joranth travels east from Meticar
to the Ruined City to do more research.
Owen leaves the Deep Forest on a
long journey northwards.
Damalathas Quithas founds New Ivrea.
Over the next few months, both Uther and Thalakos help Damus build the
new capital. Damalanthas gives the Lyre of building to Thalakos to look
Pirs is flooded; Wanwier the Dark
seizes control of the remains of the city. Nothing is known of the fate
of the previous ruler, Tolmaq the beholder.
Brommtwist Kurdan replaces Caspar
Mulgrew as the head librarian of the University. Caspar has been invited
to join the Great Library of Lemonaris.
Caspar Mulgrew fails to arrive in
Lemonaris. His body, and the bodies of his travelling companions are found
in northern Meldora, apparently mauled to death by wolves.
Rotan’s druids leave the Conclave
to search the lands for a way of curing the Blight.
Damalanthas and Destrith begin a
search for the faerie kingdom.
Halflings and gnomes begin to travel
north from Waterloaf in large numbers. Many settle in Rotan.
Euvgeni travels to Miris to present
his Twin Histories of Outreach to the Elven people. He is given
a cloak of elvenkind in return.
Blight appears at New Ivrea. Building
efforts are put on hold.
Euvgeni puts back into practice an
ancient tradition requiring youths who show berserker traits to leave Outreach
for at least five years. They are required to travel and learn from other
nations before returning.
Arban Dolittle joins the University
of Craft and Thought as a senior lecturer.
Aster de Korban, a priestess of
Rotan, joins the University of Craft and Thought as a senior lecturer.
Reports of increasingly frequent
lizard man raids arrive from Outreach and Waterloaf.
Damalanthas sends a Manticorum to
Outreach. The Manticorum is rejected.
The elves begin to withdraw from
Damalanthas finishes the first draft
The Lords of Time.
Tekuna Chand secretly re-establishes
contact with the Sea Elf nation.
Brovan Shorn is appointed as Dean
of School of Magic at the University.
Euvgeni Maryamitrevnavich disbands
the Council of Outreach.
Outreach begins an aggressive expansion
program, partially in response to the lizard man raids.
Joranth visits Outreach.
The last of the Manticorum blades
is finished.
Joranth and Euvgeni fight together
during a major battle against the lizard man prince Fen-Reshk.
Joranth returns to Rotan via Meticar,
to pick up his children.
Joranth founds a fortress on the
Dragondale Bluffs.
Feroll and Tillon are destroyed within
minutes of each other. The destruction is rumoured to be the work of five
or six men, who appeared mysteriously on the outskirts of each city, moments
before the destruction.
Uther Smith, the Manticorum at Feroll,
goes missing.
The elven nation closes all borders
between Miris and the outside world.
Tekuna discovers that there is a
hat of disguise somewhere within the city of Lerantu.