Musical Instruments
Horn of the Undead Legion
Lute of Woodwalking
Lyre of Building
Pipes of the Plains
Throbbing Harp

Horn of the Undead Legion
This powerful horn was used by the undead lord Despar Sharn to summon his undead army in 2694:7. After Despar Sharn was defeated at the walls of Rotan City in 2694:9, the horn seems to have gone missing.

This was a majestic instrument, worthy of the most noble court musician. (Or at least it was, before Damalanthas dragged all over the continent, jumped from roof to roof with it, got exploded whilst carrying it and fell down pits with it.) There were delicate carvings of singing mermaids and of satyrs playing merry tunes on pipes all over the harp.

Powers: When played, it enables the performer to cast one suggestion (Will negates DC 14) for each 10 minutes of playing if he can succeed at a Perform check (DC 15). One a die roll of a natural 1, the harpist has played so poorly that he enrages all those within earshot. Due to gradual wear and tear the harp now adds a -2 penalty to the Perform check.

Campaign lore: This item was one of several gifts from Nesgasp to the Lords of Rotan in 2693:11. The note from Nesgasp, which was attached to this item, read:

This harp has the potential to make things seem different from reality. To use the harp, you must first be its master for a wrong note will hinder your cause. Once you have it mastered, play someone a tune and try to convince them of your version of the truth.
In 2696:2, Damalanthas lost Lullaby whilst travelling in the Great Desert with Hastarr. Exactly how he lost this beautiful instrument is not recorded.
Lute of Woodwalking

This instrument has been painted in delicate pastel tones.

Powers: The lute enables the use to pass through woodlands in relative safety, as long as no hostile actions are needlessly initiated. When held and commanded to play, the lute produces a soothing song that can be heard as much as 120 feet away. It plays magically only in woodlands. The user will not be attacked by any intelligent woodland creature as long as the song lasts. But if the user attacks any such creature, the lute will shatter and the creatures will become enraged, gaining a +2 bonus to all attack, damage and saving throw rolls for one turn. The user may fight normally if attacked by some other monster and the lute plays all the while; the lute then bestows a +2 bonus on the user's attack, damage, and saving throw rolls. If any normal or giant-sized animal, tree, or other lawful or neutral woodland creature is harmed by the user, the lute will thereafter refuse to play until it falls into more deserving hands. When properly used, the Lute of Woodwalking plays for up to 12 hours per day.

Campaign lore: The Lute was recovered from the buried desert city in 2705:9. Damalanthas keeps it in Griffon Keep.

Lyre of Building
The enchantments placed upon this instrument make it indistinguishable from a normal one. Even if its magic is detected, it cannot be told from an ordinary instrument until it is played. 

Powers: If the proper chords are struck, a single use of the lyre negates any attacks made against all inanimate construction (walls, roof, floor, and so on) within 300 feet. This includes the effects of a Horn of Blasting, a disintegrate spell, or an attack from a ram or similar siege weapon. The lyre can be used in this way once a day, with the protection lasting for 30 minutes.

The lyre is also useful with respect to actual building. Once a week its strings can be strummed so as to produce chords that magically construct buildings, mines, tunnels, ditches or whatever. The effect produced in but 30 minutes of playing is equal to the work of 100 humans labouring for three days. Each hour after the first, a character playing the lyre must make a Perform check (DC 18). If it fails, he must stop and cannot play it again for this purpose until a week has passed.

Campaign lore: Damalanthas obtained the Lyre whilst adventuring with Hastarr in the desert during 2696:2. Both Damus and Thalakos used the Lyre extensively while building New Ivrea. Damalanthas gave the instrument to Thalakos at the beginning of 2700.

Pipes of the Plains
Like the Plainsmen flute, these panpipes were a gift from the plainsmen during 2693:11. They work in the same way as the flute – helping to soothe or stir an audience.

Powers: The pipes grants a +4 enchantment bonus to any Perform skill checks made using the pipes for bardic music abilities. 

Throbbing Harp
This string instrument is black in colour. Even the strings are dark.

Powers: Music played on the harp affects all living creatures within 60 feet. None of those affected can die of wounds or poison while the harp is played; they cannot be reduced to below 0 hit points. Creatures reduced to 0 hit points will fall, appearing to be dead, but are kept in a semi-living state by the music, their hearts throbbing in time with the harp. If magical curing is applied while the victims are in this state, the curing works normally, and the victim awakens. If an otherwise deadly poison is neutralised, the victim awakens with one hit point remaining. The harp does not, however, affect dissolving or digesting damage, or other forms of disintegration. The Throbbing Harp can be magically played once a day for up to one turn per use; if its music is magically silenced or neutralised, it has no effect.

Campaign lore: During a visit to the runied city of Je-Lorak in 2705:3, a strange raven led the Lords of Rotan to this item. The harp was a gift to the people of Je-Lorak from Wiobra, Goddess of Death, centuries earlier.