Blight campaign: Games 18-20


Game 18: Gatherings

Owen and Thoylin are en route to New Ivrea, together with several Rotan Palace staff. Out of the blue, they meet a golden horse-like creature calling itself Destiny. (Thoylin mumbles “looks like something out of one of the old maid’s stories…”).

Destiny gives Owen a message for Damalanthas: “Camanthalar is alive, search for the dreaming dwarf in Pirs”. The ki-rin offers to take Owen to Damus. Owen accepts this invitation and the two travel for many hours through a strange dewdrop-coloured realm. Destiny tells Owen that the strange realm is the home of one of his greatest foes.

Meanwhile, Tekuna is washed up on the beach on the northern Pirsian coast. She has spent some time visiting the sea elf community, but her memories of her time with them are somewhat distorted. She remembers some sort of attack by creatures referred to by the sea elves as “The Enemy”. During the attack she remembers some sort of bright light, and then nothing more before waking on the beach.

Exploring the terrain, she finds “The Cave” – a tourist site run by the gnome Ignatus Gorimilly III and his human assistant Amor. A plaque nearby marks the spot “where Souriin Draco and Tekuna Chand felled the largest and greatest of the one-eyed giants in 2693”. That evening, Tekuna sees Amor and Ignatus smoking Nurim – a mildly narcotic plant, which is known to have a particularly strong effect on elves.

In Outreach, Thalakos and Jess have been spreading propaganda about the heroic deeds of the Lords. The Outreach Council awards Euvgeni, Damalanthas and Souriin the Freedom of Outreach City and also ask Euvgeni to represent Outreach at the Council of War.

A contingent of lizardmen arrives in the city to ask for assistance from Outreach to help build a permanent settlement for the lizard people. The Council (advised by Euvgeni) agree to send a group of 100 men in 2-3 weeks. The lizards also bring news that some of their people saw the green and silver dragons fight. The silver tore an eye out of the green, but was then felled itself. The green flew away “limping”, and no sign of the silver’s body could be found. One of the messengers also passes on a private message for Damus: the Lizard Prince will attend the Council of War if his safety is guaranteed. Damus agrees to do what he can, but cannot make any guarantees.

Shortly after this, Damus spots the King’s Fool tracing some sort of pattern and then (apparently) teleporting away.

Before leaving Outreach, Euvgeni organises for his elephants to be fed and looked after and discharges the Béray force, with two months pay. He also proposes that a Dragon Watch be formed and writes a letter to King Anwell giving him news of the south. The giant Dranbur has decided to stay in Outreach.

With things in Outreach mostly wrapped up, Euvgeni and his companions – Souriin, Owen, Thoylin and Jess depart for Rotan. Kyra Jessa also plans to attend the Council of War, but intends to travel overland (with an armed guard).

Damalanthas, reacting to Owen’s message from Destiny, travels to Pirs.

In Rotan, Souriin give King Anwell Euvgeni’s letter (after reading it!); he also visits Li’kik’r, who seems to be suffering from some sort of mental ailment. Souriin begins to gather up the remaining Manticorum blades.

Jess travels ahead to New Ivrea with one of Damalanthas’ tapestries.

In Pirs, Damalanthas tracks down Furlor Magari, a dwarven jeweller, who is having Camanthalar’s visions. He is gruff, distrustful and a drunk, but seems quite decent on the inside. While he is in Pirs, Damus meets up with Tekuna. All three of them travel to New Ivrea (Furlor under protest).

A magic dampening sphere (allegedly sent by the Wizard of the Moon) arrives in New Ivrea. Rumour has it that several similar orbs have made there way to Sunhaven.

Exploring New Ivrea, Owen and Tekuna find a sealed passage under the main hall.

Damus enters Furlor’s dreams and shares a vision of an underground lair, with a strange orb, seemingly left behind by Camanthalar.

Game 19: Council of War

Note: Arrivals at the Council of War who are later discovered to have mind crystals are marked with a "*".

Ten days before the start of the Council of War, the companions are at New Ivrea, overseeing the preparations. As well as Damus, Souriin, Euvgeni, Tekuna and Owen there are over two hundred other people helping to get everything ready. This includes Belimirar (and a dozen students and staff from the University), Thoylin (and three dozen RMA staff), Jess, Thalakos, Furlor Magari, three dozen city guards and approximately 30 hirelings from Rotan and Nedgari.

One of the guards brings a box to Souriin. He is questioned, but doesn’t remember who gave the box to him (Souriin suspects a forget spell). Tekuna investigates and finds a strand of red cloth, and strange footprints that lead her to believe that it was the King’s Fool.

The box contains a letter and five speaking tubes. The tubes are marked on one end with a mouth and on the other with an ear. Speaking into the mouth end of any tube causes the sound to emanate from all of the other tubes. It is quite quiet, unless the ear end is held to the ear, which makes it possible to hear clearly.

Owen, Euvgeni and Carr explore the passage beneath the main hall. It leads for several hundred yards in an almost straight direction, and then does a U-turn. The second passage continues for about another mile, leading gradually downhill. It open out into a large circular down-shaft. Owen and Euvgeni spot several very large spider-like creatures and decide not to investigate any further.

Merchant Nirvon Drever of Pirs arrives, accompanied by three assistants. Also with him is Alain Detarin – a bard with whom Damalanthas studied at one point. Alain looks dreadful and seems to be only a shadow of his earlier self. He gives Damus a copy of Rengor’s awesome amelioration, which allegedly boosts spell points by 10% for 24 hours. It is a 5th level spell.

In the morning, a large group from Rotan arrives. It includes King Anwell (with 57 palace staff and 40 Royal guards); Annaline (with three more RMA staff); Ghazal Nikrig and a scribe; Fengar the Grey and eight other dwarves**; Roshilda, Bolyani and seven other halflings* and gnomes; Lurik Mien* and three other Artaforian priests; Rue Niam; 22 more hirelings from Rotan.

Annaline tells Tekuna that someone broke into Artak’s Apothecary and stole some seemingly harmless herbs. Owen is able to determine that although harmless to humans, the herbs once combined could have a deadly effect on elves – possibly causing respiratory failure.

One of the dwarves (later identified by Annaline as a member of the DFF) makes an attempt on King Anwell’s life. Although it is not clear quite what happened, Ghazal seems to have saved the king and killed the dwarf. The exact circumstances around the attack are extremely confusing.

After a thorough search, it is revealed that at least three people at New Ivrea have life crystals. All the people carrying them are sent back to Rotan.

In the evening, a group from Béray arrives. It includes Queen Allys, Marques de Merrin, Hastarr ‘neff Said and an escort of two dozen huge sunfolk. Hastarr brings with him a flying carpet as a gift for Damalanthas.

Using trueseeing, Owen realises that one of the palace staff (a cook) is a disguised elf. Unfortunately, by the time that Tekuna finds out about this, the impostor has slipped away.

Ghazal Nikrig spends some time with Queen Allys, probably to gauge the business opportunities Béray may have to offer. For some reason, this angers the Marques de Merrin.

Roleen (although not yet actually at New Ivrea) notices that her Manticorum blade is working again.

In a private discussion with Lurik, Euvgeni ascertains that Lurik has decide to allow King Anwell to decide Burr’s fate in return for the refurbishment of the Artaforian temple in Rotan.

The delegations from Tillon and Meldora arrive. King Loren of Tillon is accompanied by Roleen Cassandra, three retainers and six guards*. Prince Elryk of Melodra is accompanied by eight guards.

Rue Niam has a vision of her father (Sepyt) in grave danger. Souriin casts magic mirror to locate them – they seem to be deep underground, trying to escape from the creature referred to in “An Old Friend”’s letter as “Grock”.

With no time to spare, Souriin risks a solo rescue attempt and completes an extremely difficult teleport to reach Sepyt. When he reaches the priest, he sees that Sepyt is bleeding from a slight head wound. With him are the High Seer of Silfey (who is limping slightly) and Sirrian Jandell, High Priest of Brador. Sirrian is badly wounded, with serious loss of skin, possible blindness and continuous loss of blood. Sepyt tells Souriin that Wirthia Gorn, a human priestess of Watrapa, is dead and Urcoon, a half-elven priest of Dechea is missing.

Hearing sounds of something huge approaching, and feeling serious underground tremors, Souriin wastes no time transporting the surviving priest back to New Ivrea. He then takes Rue and Sirrian back to Rotan’s Temple, where Rue tends to the merchant-priest’s wounds. The High Seer and Sepyt both remain at the Council of  War in New Ivrea.

Confirming the letter from “An Old Friend”, Sepyt tells Souriin that the priests have been to see the druids at the Runic Lake, and have been trying to capture Grock. They think that if Grock’s powers can be harnessed, the druids will be able to continue their vigil.

Just minutes after arriving at New Ivrea, the High Seer has some sort of vision and states that the Manticorum blades are a serious danger. She says that “the elf” (meaning Destrith) is close to, or already dead.

Rushing down to Souriin’s temporary laboratory in the basement, the Lords find a dozen illithids in the room, as well as some sort of superior illithid creature. Damalanthas and Euvgeni attack swiftly, and although most of the illithids vanish, one is felled.

After the commotion dies down, Prince Elryk has an opportunity to talk to his old friends Tekun and Thalakos. He passes on regards from Tekuna’s family and suggests that she should visit her home country more often. Curiously, Tekuna also discovers that Prince Elryk is King Anwell’s cousin.

Prince Elryk also manages to spot a scar on Tekuna’s torso that she did not know was there. He claims that his “keen eyesight” allowed him to spot it.

The same “keen eyesight” allows Prince Elryk to deduce that Lurik Mien is hiding a life crystal. He tells Damus, and Tekuna and armed with this tip, they confront Lurik. He refuses to submit to them and they attack him. Lurik plays dead and manages to force a three-way confrontation with the Lords, himself and King Anwell. A bitter argument ensues, but Lurik is eventually sent back to Rotan. Damus, Tekuna and Euvgeni are each ordered to pay a 1000gp fine to the Temple of Artafor for assaulting the Priest. This leaves Euvgeni in a foul mood with King Anwell.

The delegation from the far north-west arrives. It includes Marlin Trollarm, a team of six firearms specialists**** and two other Simipian warriors**. Sarnak and Li-indra of the Tel are also present.

It is discovered that one of the Simipian firearms specialists (a dwarf) has several dozen crystals with him. He is thrown out of New Ivrea (and later apprehended by Tekuna’s agents).

Damalanthas learns from Marlin that he is likely to be arrested if he returns to Simipia.

There is also some tension between Sarnak, Li-indra and Queen Allys. They seem to feel that she is a traitor and has abandoned her people.

The delegation from Lerantu arrives. It consists of Governor Du Rant, his half-elven wife Helen Du Rant*, four highly-skilled elven archers, two bodyguards and Xirun (an 8th level mage-for-hire).

Once it is discovered that Helen has a crystal, Governor Du Rant is upset, but understanding. It is agreed that Helen will be quartered separately for the duration of the Council, in a building nearby to the main hall.

For some reason, Thoylin avoid Xirun (he later admits to Belimirar that he “borrowed” a magic item from her four years earlier). Apparently, Xirun holds a major grudge.

The elven delegation arrives. Prince Renn Ter-shai and Princess Penellior are accompanied by 40 assorted elven troops**. They were attacked a few days earlier and lost ten troops. Destrith, who was with the group, was also severely hurt and has been left in Rotan.

Prince Renn Ter-shai seems to be a fairly easy-going and friendly elf. Both he and his wife have a very realistic view of the world situation and are much more open towards co-operation with other races than many of the older elven nobility. Unfortunately, the politics of the elven nobility makes it hard for them to do very much. Their key opponent within the elven nobility is Jorune Thor-shai, brother of Kinf Ter-shai.

Destrith was apparently quite worried about the safety of the elven royal couple, but no-one knows why.

Damalanthas fetches Burr and Destrith from Rotan. Burr is allowed free, but must perform 200 hours of community service for the temple of Artafor.

One day before the Council of War formal begins, the final delegation arrives. It consists of Kyra Jess’a and the rest of Euvgeni’s family, an escort of a dozen Outreach warriors and the Lizard Prince Fen-Reshk. The Lizard Prince and Kyra Jess’a have been travelling together for the last five days. The group from Outreach were attacked by a band of gnolls on their way, and the Prince came to their aid (he had been following them for some time).

Game 20: Activation

The Council of War

After ten days of exhausting negotiations, the participants at the Council of War are preparing to go home. The bare bones of a broad treaty have been set down. Although there is a lot of work still to be done preparing the lands for the coming invasion, at least the leaders have all met each other and begun to talk.

Owen notices that shards of the Blight Crystal he salvaged from the Mark have a strange attraction to his Crystals.

Helen Du Rant somehow senses a plea for help from Li’kik’r. She senses this as an incredibly powerful and painful headache.

Damalanthas, Owen and Euvgeni travel to Dragondale and discover The Hood hiding there. He seems to be almost completely mad and seems to have been using Li’kik’r as a mental shield, possibly hurting the strange insect creature permanently. He mutters things like “activation is near”, “the crystals are humming” and “the deeprock speaks”.

The Fool arrives at Dragondale and reveals himself to be Nesgasp – the ancient lich friend of the Lords. He has been responsible for providing the Lords with strange hints and clues during the last few months. He has been searching for The Hood during this time, as he believes that he may be the key to deciphering the Blight. Unfortunately, The Hood has been screening himself extraordinarily well. Nesgasp tells the Lords that there is some sort of controlling crystal. Camanthalar knows (or knew) where it is and had been trying to sever the harmonic link when the crystal exploded.

The Lords entrust The Hood to Nesgasp’s care.

In an attempt to track down missing Camanthalar, Damus, Owen and Euvgeni teleport to the site Damalanthas saw in Furlor’s dreams. They find themselves on a hill. In the distance, a thin stream of pungent smoke can be seen. Owen investgates the smoke and makes himself dizzy (it is Nurim).

Shielding themselves from the smoke, the Lords unblock the entrance to the hill and make their way inside. The see a group of cyclopskin celebrating around a fire (the source of the smoke) and gather than the creatures have recently killed some sort of tentacled creature. The carcass of some huge, yak-like beast roasts over the fire.

Exploring further, the companions find what seems to be a natural water slide down to the next level. Guessing that this matches the waterfall Damus saw in Furlor’s visions, they enter the slide.

After climbing out of the freezing cold water in the lower cavern, Damus, Euvgeni and Owen are attacked by two grell. They fell the tentacled creatures and open the hidden alcove.

Inside the sanctum is a cold white orb. After some extensive experimentation, the adventurers are able to unlock each of the seven layers: cold, disease, light, fire, faerie, happiness and death. Inside the innermost layer are two objects: a planar summoning scroll and a tuning fork.

Damalanthas casts the spell and an apparition of Camanthalar appear. The apparition seems unstable, drifting slightly back and forward and occasionally fading out. Although Camanthalar has no recollection of anything after the blast, he is able to give the heroes some useful information about the Blight:

  • The Soul-crystal is located deep within the Deeplands. It is not physically reachable – only magic or psionic travel will enable someone to reach it. Using the tuning fork, a teleport spell might work.
  • The Soul-crystal is very well guarded, but closer to the time of activation, Camanthalar believes that most of the illithids will need to be attending to the blight crystals to ensure a smooth activation process. Then may be the best time to attack.
  • The Elderbrain will know as soon as anyone is in the vicinity – it can sense life for miles around it and the Soul-crystal is within its sensory range. Anyone attempting to get to the Soul-crystal will face reinforcements within minutes of arriving.
  • There are at least three ways to stop the Soul-crystal (or any crystal):
    1. Overloading: By pouring sufficient magical (or probably also psionic) energy into any crystal, it can be destroyed. Unfortunately, the resulting blast will take most of the surrounding area with it.
    2. Severance: It is possible to isolate a single crystal from the controlling Soul-crystal, but for some unknown reason, this also causes an explosion. This is what happened to Camanthalar.
    3. Reconfiguration: Camanthalar believes that it may be possible to reconfigure a crystal by using other similar harmonic crystals. Camanthalar thought that the Watcher’s crystals might be useful, which is why he sent Owen to Damus. Camanthalar is unsure if reconfiguration will cause an explosion.
    Far to the west of these events, the dwarves of Urgari begin to move on the dark elves. The clash between the dwarves and the elves that Mundiree spoke about has happened, but it is an underground war, and not a land war, as had been expected.

    Owen, Damalanthas and Euvgeni decide to risk their lives in an attempt to reconfigure the Soul-crystal. They use the tuning fork left by Camanthalar to target a teleport spell on the Soul-crystal. They arrive in a deep underground cavern and find a huge crystal sitting in a pool of strange-smelling brine.

    While Damalanthas and Euvgeni fend off the attacks of brain golems and urhopers, Owen steps inside the Soul-crystal and uses his own crystals to reconfigure and deactivate it. Time begins to run out for the three heroes as illithid reinforcements begin to arrive extremely rapidly.

    Owen manages to complete his reconfiguration and step back out of the Soul-crystal. Damalanthas frantically weaves an escape spell as the full extent of the illithid forces is let loose.

    He manages to complete his spell and the companions teleport to safety. As the heroes arrive back in Rotan, both Damalanthas and Owen collapse, unconscious, no longer able to resist the grievous wounds inflicted by the illithids. Euvgeni – the only one still standing – takes them to the temple of Rotan to recuperate.