This is a summary
of those assembled to defend Rotan City against the trollish assault.
Rotan Palace
Lords of Rotan and their allies
Euvgeni Maryamitrevnavich (Barbarian
15) [message tube]
Flash (Fighter 12)
Damalanthas Quithas (Bard? 16) [message
Thoylin Hujara (Rogue? 11)
Owen (Druid 10)
King Anwell (Bard 10, Aristocrat 6)
Lord Oyles (Aristrocrat 10)
Lord Meysters (Aristocrat 10)
Royal Guards
1 x (Paladin 5)
2 x (Paladin 2)
20 x (Paladin 1)
Scribe Malcolm Tunwhistle (Expert 10)
Royal Historian
Royal Cartographer
Rotan City Guard
Head of the Guard
Freca Narall (Fighter 13)
Luthe Domarian (Fighter 6)
6 x (Fighter 10)
12 x (Fighter 8)
24 x (Fighter 4)
Trained units
Officers (with heavy warhorses)
Horst Arman (Fighter 9)
Tebbig Gimmer (Fighter 8)
2 x (Fighter 4)
4 x (Fighter 2)
8 x (Fighter 1)
Mounted units (with light warhorses)
Tam the Archer (Ranger 10)
2 x (Fighter 5)
6 x (Ranger 3)
8 x (Fighter 1)
Trained units
120 elves (Warrior 2)
280 mixed (Warrior 1)
Special units
250 axeman (Warrior 2)
100 pikemen (Warrior 1)
Roschilda (Ranger 7)
Indo the Quill (Expert 13) [expert tactician]
200 foot-soldiers (Warrior 1)
Bolyani Thombarl (Bard 9)
6 large catapult teams of 8 gnomes [fire
1/8 rounds]
10 small catapult teams of 4 gnomes
[fire 1/5 rounds]
25 kegs of alchemist's fire
100 barrels of pitch
Structural Repair Teams
Thalakos the Builder (?)
4 teams of 12 gnomes and dwarves
Rotan Merchant Alliance
Tekuna Chand (Rogue 13) [message tube]
Annaline Lemantiar (Rogue 10)
Marinia Grens (Sorceror 12)
Kol Monter (Fighter 12)
Gollor Trebats (Rogue 6, Cleric 6)
Rank and file
Scuttle (Rogue 3)
6 x (Rogue 2)
20 x (Rogue 1)
Rotan Merchant Guard
2 x (Fighter 6)
4 x (Fighter 3)
40 Alchemist Fire throwers (Warrior
160 x (Warrior 1)
Note: The above two sets of units are
combined into 40 units of 4 warriors + 1 thrower.
Paranormal Operations
Julius Ell (Evoker 10)
Elmiss Trium (Enchanter 8)
Fedann (Wizard 7)
Sianne Ell (Evoker 3)
Mormom Silver (Diviner 3)
Teresa (Wizard 2)
Mikel Ferruge (Wizard 1)
Bernhard Folderr (Wizard 1)
12 apprentices
University of Craft and Thought
Senior Wizards
Belimirar Wozacon-Ley (Abjurer 11)
Brovan Shorn (Wizard 8)
Aster de Korban (Cleric 7)
Morris Fandor (Transmuter 7)
Arban Dolittle (Ranger 6, Sorceror 1)
Brommtwist Kurdan (Bard 5)
Junior Wizards
5 x (Wizard 4)
6 x (Wizard 3)
15 x (Wizard 2)
24 x (Wizard 1)
Project Deathwatch
Souriin Draco (Wizard 14, Sorcerer 2)
[message tube]
Astra of Mistlewood (Necromancer 8,
Sorcerer 1)
Distar of Helmfront (Wizard 7)
Elistair Insando (Summoner 8, Bard 2)
Elmythra Olgasdottar (Necromancer 9)
Enyaki (Abjurer 7, Rogue 3)
Felon Tardan (Conjurer 6, Sorcerer 4)
Finnigan Morman (Wizard 7, Fighter 2)
Gramm Eddar (Transmuter 5) [Alchemist]
Jandar Ter'Faan (Wizard 4, Bard 6)
Makor (Necromancer ?)
Reginald Tasseman (Wizard 5, Fighter
Artak's Apothecary
Artak of Triscoh (Rogue 11)
Fenishia Grink (Sorceror 6)
1 x (Rogue 5)
2 x (Rogue 2)
2 x (Warrior 1)
Temple of Rotan
Sepyt Niam (Cleric 18)
Rue Niam (Cleric 8)
1 x (Cleric 7)
4 x (Cleric 3)
12 x (Cleric 1)
4 x (Paladin 1)
Church of Artafor
Lurik Mien (Cleric 11) [Strength/Fire]
Shatrock (Cleric 5) [Good/Strength]
Leddrar (Cleric 5) [Air/Strength]
Jori Missle (Cleric 4) [Air/Good]
Chardra (Cleric 4) [Fire/Air]
Bonehur (Cleric 1) [Air/Good]
Rednar (Cleric 1) [Fire/Strength]
Ny'lat (Cleric 1) [Good/Fire]
Jarlyn (Cleric 1) [Strength/Fire]
Turman (Cleric 1) [Fire/Good]
Dolhnam (Cleric 1) [Strength/Air]
Itles (Cleric 1) [Good/Fire]
Opra (Cleric 1) [Air/Good]
10 x (Warrior 1)
Shrine of the Earth (Egreera)
Mother Nari (Cleric 13) [Fire/Animal]
Domu (Cleric 6) [Earth/Plant]
Domi (Cleric 6) [Earth/Plant]
Tirrian (Cleric 3) [Water/Plant]
Armed (Cleric 3) [Fire/Earth]
Ofnoor (Cleric 3) [Earth/Air]
Ectley (Cleric 3) [Air/Animal]
Sary (Cleric 1) [Plant/Air]
Lampoor (Cleric 1) [Plant/Fire]
Braileen (Cleric 1) [Animal/Plant]
Rarrel (Cleric 1) [Animal/Warer]
5 x (Ranger 1)
There are approximately 10,000 individuals
making up Rotan's Forces.
Of these some 2,500 are skilled and
the remaining 7,500 are commoners.
Racial distribution is human 7,500;
halflings 800; dwarves 800; gnomes 400; half-elves 300; and elves 200.