An immense meteor strikes the continent,
creating what is now known as the Living Sea.
Some humanoid races begin to manifest
magical talents. This is possibly a side effect of the meteor impact.
An early human civilisation destroys
itself in a magical war, creating the Great Desert.
The remaining pockets of humans
turn to the worship of gods. It is thought that knowledge of the gods was
passed on to humans by another race or races.
Human expeditions travel north and
settle on the island now known as The Empire.
Plague decimates the human population.
Most records are destroyed.
Merod the dwarf takes the throne
over "all of the races that walk". Recorded history begins in the lands
surrounding what is now Rotan.
A mass protest by the elves indicates
growing dissatisfaction with Merod’s rule.
Elves threaten war unless they are
able to share power with the dwarves.
Merod is assassinated; the great
dwarf-elf wars begin.
257 –
A series of weak dwarven rulers
follow Merod.
The dwarf Distromer becomes the
youngest dwarven King ever.
580 –
Distromer negotiates a series of
treaties with the elves.
Erin (an elflord) becomes joint
ruler of the lands with Distromer.
610 –
"Golden years" of civilisation.
Distromer dies.
Erin dies six years after Distromer;
it is rumoured that grief kills him.
– 1850
There is increasing unhappiness
amongst the humans, halflings and gnomes with the domination of the elves
and the dwarves.
Emilin of the halflings is instrumental
in negotiating a peaceful resolution to the growing unrest. The lands are
split into separate elven, dwarven, human, gnomish and halfling lands.
This process is known as The Splitting of the Lands. Berlyn becomes the
first king of Ivrea, the human nation.
– 2000
Humans become dominant across the
edge of the continent. Through aggressive trade and commerce they begin
to rival the dwarves and elves in influence.
The family later known as Draco-penalli
does a great favour for dragon-kind. It is rumoured that this is somehow
linked to Dragon's Rift, far to the west.
The gnome king Lemonaris leads the
first of several human-funded expeditions over the northern ocean. Further
expeditions take place in 1993, 1999, 2005 and 2012. Tilloniti and the
surrounding islands are settled during this time.
The Empire is rediscovered, but
the people of the Empire meet the expedition landing on the island with
hostilities. Diplomatic contact is not established.
The people of Serpent’s Hold rise
up against Dorias Draco. They are lead by Franson Trollarm, a priest of
Artafor. Dorias massacres those participating in the uprising, and then
releases titanic forces in a suicidal pact. Beloni manages to contain these
forces after a terrible struggle.
A lizard men army lays siege to
Je-Lorak, the city to the west of Outreach. The city is destroyed by Pen
Yirrock, high priest of Cha-im.
Yarek Elovich, a survivor of the
fall of Je-Lorak, leads a group of warriors to help the lizardmen repel
orcish armies far to the south.
In return for their assistance against
the orcs, the lizardmen provide Yarek and his allies with the resources
necessary to establish a new settlement. Outreach is founded. Prior to
the founding of Outreach, the forestlands in the Outreach area were settled
only by scattered nomadic tribes and a few survivors from Je-Lorak.
In Outreach, the Twelve Villages
are united under the banner of Cavnaz Elovich.
Cavnaz Elovich goes missing after
a failed expedition to conquer the area known as the Murn Land.
The worship of Artafor is declared
the only official religion of Ivrea by royal decree.
A crusade is undertaken by the Church
of Artafor to convert all Ivreans to the faith of Artafor.
The High Priest of Artafor - Mulro
Harmien - is struck dead under mysterious circumstances. Following an alleged
visitation from Artafor himself, the King immediately recognises other
forms of worship once again.
Lacking a strong leader, Outreach
begins four centuries of decline.
An invasion from across the Living
Sea takes Sunhaven, capital of the gnomish nation.
The war-mad leader of Outreach,
Holic Munrak, sends a sizeable force against the northernmost lizardman
settlement. The King of the Lizardmen leaves a single man left alive to
inform Holic that the three century old state of peace between the lizardmen
and Outreach has now ended.
The Tel attack Simipia. Ivrea is
unable to defend it, but dwarven mercenaries hired by the Simipians prevent
the City from falling.
First records of the Brotherhood
of Brador.
Simipia declares independence from
Ivrea after signing a peace treaty with the Tel.
Turus Manillon (a self-proclaimed
"emperor" of Ivrea) attacks the island of Tilloniti, which had been effectively
independent of the mainland since its settlement almost 500 years earlier.
Although his attack was only partly successful, Tilloniti remained partially
under the control of Ivrea until 2679. At this point it became once again
independent (this status was disputed by Feroll until 2693).
The northern third of the Great
Forest of Miris is destroyed by fire.
Owen is born.
Flash is born.
The great wizard Rengor dies.
Sepyt Niam is born.
Sporadic fights between dark elves
and Mirsian rading parties grow more frequent.
Seth Benturu is born. He later becomes
known as Athalar.
Souriin Draco is born at Draco Farm.
Joranth Bumblefoot is born in the
halfling town of Meticar.
Tekuna Chand is born in Meldora.
Artak and his twin Wanwier are born
in Triscoh.
Prince Anwell is born in Ivrea.
The beholder Yaridar destroys Ivrea
and the royal lineage. Only the infant Anwell survives. He is carried away
and hidden for the next 21 years by a group of Ivrean nobles.
Far to the south, Euvgeni Maryamitrevnavich
is born.
Damalanthas Quithas is born.
Artak and Wanwier run away from
home, after a family argument leaves both parents dead.
Without a king, the human lands gradually
splinter. During the next few years, the lands of Rotan, Pirs, Meldora,
Feroll, Tilloniti, Lerantu and Béray are formed. Each is self-governing
and has its own form of government.
Souriin enrolls at the newly opened
Academy of Mages in Rotan.
Tekuna runs away from home and joins
the circus.
Sepyt Niam becomes High Priest of
Artafor in Rotan. With Artex Cinanthas and others, he establishes the Council
of Leaders in Rotan to govern the nation.
The Academy of Mages becomes the
Wizard’s Guild in Rotan.
Artak and Wanwier are split up.
In Outreach, Euvgeni is sentenced
to work as a carpenter for pulling up trees and damaging public property.
Gnomes are formally included in
the council of Waterloaf for the first time, creating the joint gnomish/halfling
nation of Waterloaf.
Euvgeni is framed and then cleared
for the murder of the president of Outreach and the illegal sale of diamonds.
Later in the year, Euvgeni is made president of Outreach.
After two years as president, Euvgeni
relinquishes control of Outreach to his father, Michael, and goes travelling.
Euvgeni passes through Béray
and Strontal on his travels, spending some time at each.
In Rasra, Euvgeni meets Kyra Jess’a
and has a run in with Justin.
Parts of Rasra are destroyed by
a fire.