Marine Traders' Consortium

On 2705:8:10, after months of discussion, the Rotan Merchant Alliance, together with the Pirsian Traders’ Fold and the Scarlet Ring launched the Marine Traders’ Consortium. The Consortium is now busy establishing regular shipping routes along the east and north coasts of Ivrea.

The initial focus is on the route between Feroll and Pirs, but there are plans to expand this route to Simipia early in 2706. A monthly transport to the Bird Islands is also being investigated. Following a recent visit by Souriin Draco, the MTC is now playing an increasing role in transporting relief supplies to North Ivrea.

The Marine Traders’ Consortium purchased its first four vessels from the cash-strapped Pirsian Government. These vessels – called Round Ships – are slow-moving cargo ships which hug the coastline as they carry their goods. Round Ships are capable of carrying 100 tons of cargo and 20 to 30 crewmen. They have two masts and triangular sails. In favourable conditions, Round Ships travel approximately 16 miles each day.

If they have a skilled navigator on board, they can safely sail through the night, increasing their effective speed to 24 miles per day. The 200-mile Pirs-Feroll run thus typically takes 8-10 days.

A new type of vessel, better suited to open sea voyages, has been designed and commissioned by the Consortium. This vessel – the Broad Ship – has a single mast with a square sail. In times of poor wind, the crew can also row from the bow and stern. In a moderate wind, a Broad Ship is designed to travel up to 48 miles in a day. It is hoped that the new Broad Ships will eventually cut the time for the Pirs-Feroll run in half.

Broad Ships have very flat bottoms and are able to remain afloat in just two feet of water. This will make them useful along rivers and estuaries, as well as along coastal routes. The Marine Traders’ Consortium has invested almost 20,000 gold coins in the development of the Broad Ship. The first vessel is now nearing completion after three months of construction.

Fleet roster: Marine Traders’ Consortium
No. Ship type Length Beam Speed Cargo Crew Passengers
4 Round ship 70 feet 25 feet 15 feet 100 tons 5-30 10
0 Broad ship 75 feet 15 feet 30 feet 50 tons 6-12 8