Draco Trading is an agricultural company based in northern Rotan. After the return of King Anwell in 2593:5, Souriin Draco purchased a 20-acre tract of land and spent 40,000 gp converting it into a sheep farm. Shortly thereafter, Souriin hired trader Ghazal Nikrig to run the farm. In the twelve years since, Ghazal has built Draco Trading into a large-scale agricultural and trading operation. Although it still carries his name, Souriin’s direct interest in Draco Trading has declined recently as a result of his investments in the University of Craft and Thought, the College of Wizardry in Pirs, and Project Deathwatch. During this time, Ghazal has (with Souriin’s approval) increased his own share in the company. Currently, the financial shareholding of Draco Trading is roughly:
Astute observers will notice that the RMA owns a minor stake in Draco Trading. The reverse is also true, as Draco Trading has also recently become the 10th most significant contributor to the RMA. The motivations of Ghazal Nikrig and the RMA authorities in proceeding with this share swap are unclear, but it may be linked to the establishment of the Standards Board – Draco Trading was a significant player in the process of establishing the Board. Ghazal is also actively involved with the Rotan Youth Alliance. He has helped Annaline establish the Alliance and hosts regular “team-building” visits of RYA youths at Draco Farm, headquarters of Draco Trading. |