The continent on which the Ivrean region is located is the second largest landmass on the planet's surface. It straddles the equator evenly and is marked by an enormous circular sea located in the upper north part of the continent, just above the equator. Very little is known about the largest landmass on the planet. It is on the opposite side to Ivrea, and most of its area is north of the equator. Similarly, little is known about the third largest continent. It is located westwards of Ivrea and most of its surface is in the southern hemisphere. The fourth largest continent is some 1000 miles north of Ivrea, and extends all the way to the pole. This region is known to be inhabited by a dangerous and intelligent race of trolls, lead by the Troll King. Several other races also inhabit this region, but most of them have been subjugated by the trolls. This continent is perhaps one fifth the size of the continent housing Ivrea. The fifth largest continent is in
the southern seas, on the same side as the largest. Dozens of smaller islands
dot the planet's oceans between the five main landmasses.