From: Souriin Draco
To the Esteemed Council of Nations: I write this missive hoping that this Council consider it with an open mind, act on the knowledge that I give to you. I started the University projects with one purpose in mind: to make mages more open and accessible to the public. As you well know, priestly magic is always guided by a strict set of ethics. It is these ethics that enable people to trust their priesthoods. Whether the priesthood is good for the community or bad, they are predictable in their behaviour, because it is seen in their God's behaviour. Unfortunately, wizards do not have the same luxury. People fear what they do not understand, and so we are mistrusted, shunned, blamed for all bad incidents that occur - sometimes rightly so. This is because there are no guidelines on how young people should be taught to use their gifts. If one is mistrusted from youth, one develops some protection mechanisms. Apprentices often close themselves to the world, shunning people that mistrust them, often hating them for their misunderstanding. They often start their education from snippets of information left by magi before them, not knowing that partial knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance. The University allows young people to learn responsibility for their actions. The gift cannot be removed from a person, it can only be guided in the right direction. By placing all students in the same environment, we can impress upon them the responsibility to those around them. We can make them aware that there are others with similar talents. We can then teach them how to use these talents without alienating the public. There is also another important reason. By making the Universities open to all, we show the public that there is nothing to be afraid of. That there are no secret projects unfolding behind their backs. By putting the knowledge to use in the communities, we not only force the young mages to interact with the common man, we also earn the public's trust by working for them. Unfortunately mages, unlike priests, have the ability to turn their magic into offensive use. At least half of the known spells can be used destructively in one manner or another. The one thing that the Universities can NEVER be, is a tool for war. Ten magi, with the right spells, can replace an army, but to create one such incident is to invite a mercenary need that will spread like wildfire. One act of aggression, whether beneficial to the people or not, would bring the old terror back. The Universities would be destroyed, because they would be seen as a danger to the community. Men will always oppose men, but they cannot be given a tool of destruction that magic can become. The Universities, in a way, give the governments a way of shaping an unpredictable factor into one that is beneficial. If their popularity spreads, if their funding is made possible, they will allow this Body (for the first time in history) to tally and track a very secretive part of society. Unfortunately, to achieve all this, the Universities cannot be seen as affiliated with any one nation. They belong to the public - no matter what race or gender or nationality. They cannot be used as a political lever between one ruler and the next. And most essentially, they cannot be used for military service whatsoever. If war breaks out, the only service that is never intentionally targeted is the courier system. Why? Because everyone needs it. Without it, both sides lose out. If the Universities prove themselves as learning centres, in time they will be viewed in the same manner. Since this Council was formed, it has had the responsibility of representing everyone equally. I ask you to form a dictate, not just speak it, proclaiming Universities neutral soil, unusable for war. One never knows what rulers will follow us, but written word stays. I have laid down the groundwork for something that could be a marvel in the future, but it is up to You, the leaders of nations to see to it that it is not abused. To prove to you that the Universities mean to remain neutral, I have stepped down as Chancellor of the University. I have always been loyal to Rotan, and it remains my home. Also, my past (as embellished as it has become) has been rather violent, meaning I could not remain on its governing body. With your permission, I mean to see that each nation has access to the same privileges afforded to Rotan. The University has already proved its worth and value in the decade of its' existence. With your help, similar good can be achieved in all of our lands. If you feel the need (although I do not recommend it), a core of wizards could be formed, guided by the council to defend all of the lands the Council represents. This core would be responsible to the Council only. I ask you to give this missive utmost attention. You can contact me through Damalanthas Quithas. Ever Your Servant,