I, Joranth Bumblefoot, being of sound mind and body hereby do declare that this is my Last Will and Testament. To my friends: Souriin, Damalanthas, Euvgeni, Tekuna, Owen, Flash and others, I fear that upon this day I will die. I serve in a way a mad god, and of that, I have no doubt. Thinking of it, who better to serve him, than an individual who is half mad to start with? Still at the end of the day, I don’t regret it – not for a second. No matter what choices I have to make, I will make them, but I will never in my heart and soul forswear my faith, it has just been too long... If the worst happens, let it be known that I hold nobody responsible for my death but me and my inability to see more clearly and think faster on my feet. I may have a choice to take a life of an innocent to save my own, but never would I be such a coward. Still, my friends grieve not my passing, for someway I have a suspicion that this was ordained and who knows maybe, just maybe one day I will come back to haunt you all... Oh and Damalanthas, I am certain that your ring does not have the power of restore me to life, but I can guess you will have forgotten about that possibility. No I fear, where my soul is going no minor magic will restore me... That is enough mooching. Down to the nitty-gritty and no arguing over this! Souriin, you I have known for more years that I care to mention. To you I bequeath my staff of the python, I always thought you looked silly without a decent staff. Anyway, firstly though you are going to have fun in that you have to unweave the protections surrounding it... Damalanthas, to you I bequeath my collection of fine wines and potions... Some are useful others not. Did by the way I happen to mention that on more than one occasion I accidentally disrupted your spells? Tekuna, look under my bed and don’t get your fingers burnt... Artak, you gave to me once something that was precious to recall my spirit, I fear that I cannot do the same. However to you I bequeath all my lands and deeds with the exception of Dragon Dale and Marinor bluffs upon which my fort lies... Euvgeni, many a fun times we have had together, to you I wish I could leave more but I cannot, to you I leave my ring of jumping, if nothing else you can jump into combat quicker. Oh and there happens to be a nice battle axe above my fireplace, its yours as well... Flash; please take care of my children. When they are of age, give my sword Longtooth to Warrath and my boots to Reandra. In addition, there is a sealed letter with this will. Please pass that to them also. I have a small cache of diamonds and other valuable stones and jewellery, divide those between my children or spend them on them as you see fit. To you, or rather your daughter, I give my bow. It is unique and should fit her when she grows up. My home at Dragon Dale goes to my children. My helmet, well, that goes to the University, to any nosy scholar whoever needs it at the time, beware though of the side effects... Additionally I also bequeath all the volumes of the Books of Cha-im to the University. To the Manticorum, I leave my fort and the lands surrounding, They are paid for. Remember though, yours is the role to maintain the balance, War begets Peace, but Peace also begets War. There are times when one must put away the pen and draw the sword in order for the pen to be used once again. Forget this not. The pen might be mightier than the sword, but the sword is an awful lot quicker, and leaves a lasting impression. Souriin, of you I must ask two tasks. Firstly, take from my spell pouch a certain black box marked with the symbol of death. DO NOT OPEN IT. DESTROY IT COMPLETELY. Enough said. Secondly, at my home, seal the entrance to my shrine. Too much power is embedded there and none bar myself could enter. To you all I wish the best and to Cha-im and whoever else that you succeed. My blessings and wishes go with you all. No matter what happens, I will always be there with you in spirit. Oh and one last thing, if for any reason I should get myself resurrected, returned to the land of the living, etc. I want all my stuff back! Go well my friends, fight a good battle and if worse comes to worse I will be waiting for you on the other side... Yours Forever Joranth Bumblefoot |