
Cost: 600 gp + 3 gp per box of bolts
Damage: 4d8
Critical: x2
Range Increment: 60 ft.
Crew: 3 or 2 (see text)

This repeating crossbow is used for shock tactics in major battles. The bolts scream as they fly, causing panic in enemy forces and the rapid stream of bolts can throw a man back several feet on impact. The Banshee is a very inaccurate weapon, and is only effective when firing into crowds. It is best suited for defense or for making attacks during major ground battles. It is recommended that the device be demonstrated to friendly forces before use to prevent panic.

A Banshee is loaded with boxes of 20 specially prepared bolts. 
These are short missiles similar to crossbow bolts, but slightly thicker. Four notches are cut in the head and these produce the loud shrieking whistle heard when the Banshee is fired. Provided that a dedicated crew member is available to load new boxes of bolts, the Banshee can fire once every second round. If only two crew members are available its firing rate drops to once every four rounds. This device cannot be operated by less than two crew.

When fired into a crowd, a Banshee has only a 10% chance to affect the intended target. The remainder of the time, the barrage of missiles will hit a nearby (random) target instead. The Banshee must be securely fixed to be fired and is therefore not portable. A natural attack roll of one indicates that the machine is jammed. (A bolt gets stuck in the loading mechanism, or two bolts fall down at once.) A jammed Banshee takes 1d12 rounds to fix.

Typical uses for the Banshee include:

  • Castle defence: Shock tactics to get attackers to move away from the walls. 
  • Attack on battlefield: When levelled at an organised marching force, this machine guarantees significant loss of life. 
  • Ship warfare: Although the Banshee is not designed to do structural damage, a few rounds of bolt fire can cut the sail of a ship to shreds.
Campaign lore: This device was designed by the mage Souriin Draco.