
Greater power

Portfolio: Magic
Aliases: Ikarith (Elven), Ruari (Dwarven), Mogen (Gnomish), Coora (Halfling), Eshu (Tel)
Symbols: A lightning bolt or occasionally a flash symbol
Colours: White

The God
Trada is a very unusual god. She is one of the very few gods to have names in almost all known tongues. (Trada is her name only in the Ivrean tongue.) Trada’s most comment aspect is a stern female, usually fairly thin, but she frequently takes on other appearances.

Trada does not seem to be a kind god. She is obsessive about the loyalty of wizards to the craft of magic, as evidenced by the sacrificial nature of her Tests (see below). There are also stories of terrible curses inflicted upon those who draw too much from Trada’s gift without completing her Tests. (Most philosophers believe that Trada considers all arcane spells as “her gifts”. )

Trada is also an unforgiving god. She is known to be seeking vengeance against Brador – the Deal-Maker – for ensorcelling the members of the Wizards’ Circle a decade ago, even though Brador was himself tricked by Lillyos, the God of Mischief.

The Faith
There are no known priests of Trada, and Trada does not seem to require any sort of worship. There is a magical adjunct known as Gerik’s Theorem, which argues that Trada gains her power from the use of magic and therefore does not need priests. Certainly, Trada does seem to consider wizards (and sorcerers) as her “flock” and demands that arcane spellcasters of certain power be “tested”.

The Tests of Trada are “administered” by the Wizards’ Circle, a shadowy and apparently conflict-ridden group of powerful wizards. The tests always have nine stages, with the last requiring some extreme sacrifice (often the life of a loved one) to prove the wizard’s devotion to magic. Trada always appears to play a direct role at some point in these tests.

The Clergy
Trada has no clergy. The only organisation that concerns itself with Trada’s wishes is the Wizards’ Circle. Known members are listed as “players” below. The Circle seems to meet at least once a year, but not all of the members attend every meeting.
Deity Alignment Domains Typical worshippers
Trada Neutral Knowledge, Magic, Trickery None

Centres of Worship
Physical locations dedicated to Trada are rare. There are only five known shrines:
  1. Outside the Hall of Spellcraft at the Great Library of Lemonaris is a small shrine to the Goddess of Magic. It is customary for visitors to the library to leave a minor magical item at the shrine after a visit to the Hall.
  2. Tess Sulinavallea, the elven Dean of Science at the University of Craft and Thought has founded a small shrine to Trada in the University gardens.
  3. There is an old shrine to Trada at the Pirsian College of Wizardry. Interestingly, the shrine dates back at least to the time of the University of Pirs. The shrine was one of the few parts of the University Estate to survive the devastation in 2705:3 and was afterwards incorporated into the new College building.
  4. In the Hall of the Gods in Miris és Lirias-Tora, there is a shrine venerating the Goddess of Magic
  5. A small shrine to Trada is located in the Feroll village of Oña. The owners of a local inn tend the shrine.

The Players
  • The Wizard of the Red Orb: A highly competent wizard and possibly the most stable member of the Wizards’ Circle. The Wizard of the Red Orb has been absent from the Ivrean lands for many years, but was sighted again recently when Beloni summoned him and the Wizard of the Moon to break the Circle. There is some evidence that the Wizard’s true form is that of a beholder.
  • The Wizard of the Moon: This extremely eccentric mage used to live in seclusion on one of the Bird Islands. He seems to know much about the affairs of the land, but seldom gets directly involved and never provides straight answers to adventurers seeking assistance. He is known for his extremely exotic pets. Towards the end of 2705:6, his island residence was totally destroyed, allegedly by a dragon attack. The Wizard of the Moon has not been seen since.
  • Beloni: The silver dragon is also known as the White Witch of the North, and has several other names. She seems to be something of an outsider to the Circle and in 2705:4 after summoning the Wizard of the Moon and the Wizard of the Red Orb, cursed the Circle and claimed it broken. She seems also to have some deep-seated hatred for the green dragon Dagaronzie, possibly linked to her anger with the Circle.
  • Camanthalar: The eminent elven mage seems to have been killed during the destruction of a Blight crystal in mid 2705. Camanthalar was the mentor of the bard Damalanthas Quithas, and there have been rumours of attempts by the bard to contact Camanthalar’s spirit since his death. Curiously, the guardians at Camanthalar’s tower in Miris remained intact after his apparent death, instead of dissipating, as is usually the case. Camanthalar had a reputation for ignoring many of the more tedious elven noble traditions. This lead to a strained relationship with most of the royal family, with the exception of Prince Renn Ter-shai and Princess Penellior. Towards the end of 2705:8, Camanthalar’s tower was partially destroyed, also allegedly as the result of a dragon attack.
  • Athalar: Also known as Seth Benturu, Athalar is the son of Garulithis Draco and the silver dragon Beloni. (This makes him Souriin’s half-brother.) In 2693, he clashed several times with the Lords of Rotan over his ambitious magical projects. Aided by Nesgasp and the sorceress Areena Lotrias, Athalar has since (mostly) reconciled his relationship with the Lords. They now seem to have a grudging mutual respect and have worked together on occasions. In 2694, Athalar wed Areena. Their last known location was the northern island of the nation known as The Empire, where Areena appears to have been tragically absorbed by the Empire's Overmind. Shortly after Beloni broke the Wizards’ Circle, Souriin received a message from the Wizard of the Moon that his half-brother had just passed the Tests. It is not known if this means that Athalar has also become a member of the Circle.
  • Nesgasp: Nesgasp is an ancient lich who has lived for centuries. He frequently interferes with major events, but seems to prefer to work through agents, such as the Lords of Rotan. To those that aid him, he often gives gifts which are as much a curse as a blessing. Two rumours have recently surfaced in elven circles that Nesgasp’s true form – that of a rotting corpse, was his sacrifice during Trada’s tests many centuries ago. A slightly less often repeated rumour is that Nesgasp’s form is the result of his brother’s sacrifice during Trada’s Tests, and that his brother’s similar image was Nesgasp’s revenge during his own Tests. Fairly recently, news in the elven courts was that Nesgasp had publicly called the Elven King a fool and threatened his brother’s life. The King issued a proclamation that the one known as Nesgasp is “unwelcome” in the elven lands, but it is now suspected that this proclamation actually originated from the King's brother, Jorune. It is not known if Nesgasp is a member of the Wizards’ Circle.
  • Souriin Draco: The Raven Mage is best known for founding the University of Craft and Thought near Rotan and for his adventures with the group known as the Lords of Rotan. Souriin has benefited from advice and training from some of the most prominent wizards in recent history and has become one of the foremost students of magic in the region. At the end of 2693, Souriin undertook the gruelling Tests of Trada, but failed the final test, as he could not bring himself to sacrifice his friend Flash’s life. Souriin’s most recent project is the study of necromancy with a group known as Project Deathwatch located in the Bird Islands.