Doreka, a young (and beautiful) berserker from Outreach reaches Rotan with a message from Kyra Jess’a for Euvgeni. Kyra asks Euvgeni to return because of increasing lizard man attacks, and a possible coup attempt by members of the now defunct council. A emissary from Waterloaf has also requested aid from Outreach. Damalanthas receives word from Camanthalar indicating that the elves know what is causing the Blight. Tekuna obtains a fragment of a burnt note (written in dwarven) referring to “Zan”. The source of the note is apparently the dwarven merchant Nevril Leach. Annaline meets with Tekuna to discuss a lucrative trade offer (set up by Thoylin) from the Simipian Merchants’ Guild. The Guild wishes the RMA to distribute “life crystals” to 25% of settled areas in the human lands that have over 200 residents. This is a six-month project and will triple the RMA’s income over the next year. In return for this lucrative deal, the RMA must help the Guild break Draco Trading’s monopoly on wool and wool products in the eastern human nations. Tekuna agrees to the deal but includes a “dangerous product” opt-out clause in the agreement. Fengar the Grey exerts increasing pressure on King Anwell to have Souriin and Damalanthas accompany Jimmy MacCaret’s body to Urgari. Damalanthas learns from the Manticorum in the south that there is no Blight in the desert and that the Bandit Queen Allys, ruler of Béray, seems to be obtaining magic items from the desert for trade. It is unclear with whom she is trading. Thoylin discovers that the Simipian Merchant’s Guild has the missing Manticorum blade and is planning on smuggling it west. Although Thoylin himself has not seen the blade, he believes that the source of the information is very reliable. An anonymous note (later reveal by King Anwell to be written by Gerund the Portly) warns Souriin that should he (and others?) leave Rotan, the King’s life will be endangered. Roleen Cassandra (the Manticorum in Tillon) contacts Damalanthas to request aid from Rotan. Without this aid, she believes that Tilloniti will be facing mass starvation within weeks. Part of the reason for Tilloniti’s problems is that the fish are spoiling. Roshilda of the halflings (together with Bolyani of the gnomes) ask Joranth to lead the halflings and gnomes of Rotan. Roshilda enacts the ritual of Metroffen, leaving Joranth with no option but to accept the request. This means that Joranth must reach the Sceptre of Mundiree (currently in Waterloaf) and forswear his faith to Cha-im within one month, or face consequences unheard of in close to a thousand years. Burr (the Pirsian Manticorum) contacts Damalanthas with the name “Nyarex” Burr believes that Wanwier may have some sort of hostage and is negotiating with “Nyarex”. The context seems to indicate that Nyarex is a place. Gerund the Portly speaks to Euvgeni about problems “with the Artisans’ and Warriors’ Guilds” in Rotan and Nedgari. He seems to have some other agenda, but never gets a chance to explain this… An aarakocran (bird-man) emissary reaches Rotan. His people (numbering approximately three dozen) have a nest in the mountains west of Pirs. They are being inflicted with the Blight, but cannot more because they have “children” (eggs) that will die if they are disturbed. The emissary had previously approached someone in Pirs for aid, but was turned away. Tekuna and Souriin agree to establish a Board of Standards to regulate the wool and other industries. Souriin will loosen up his hold on the wool market in the east for an opportunity to enter new markets in the west. Souriin sends Ghazal Nikrig a dream, telling him about the plans for a Board of Standards and warning him to watch Tekuna like a hawk. The King receives an unusually disturbing note, apparently from The Hood. He passes it on to Sourrin and Euvgeni. Burr discovers further information about Wanwier’s dealings, but is attacked and almost killed by Wanwier’s hit men. Damalanthas and Tekuna undertake a daring rescue attempt and return to Rotan with Burr and one of the hit men. The hit man is later released. Gerund the Portly is assassinated in Rotan. King Anwell reveals that Gerund was an informer for him. Gerund had told the King that Fengar was/is in the process of negotiating a treaty with someone (possibly “Zan”?) on behalf of the elves. Urgari is also implicated in these negotiations. Sepyt deduces the meaning of Zan. It is an archaic elven word meaning “dark” or “people of the dark”. (This is later borne out by independent research undertaken by Damalanthas.) Souriin and Euvgeni meet with Fengar to head off possible conflict over Gerund’s death. Fengar commits his people to help King Anwell find the perpetrator. Fengar also makes some cryptic comments about alliances and choices. He confirms that the elves know what is causing the Blight and hints that he needs “something concrete” in order to change his attitude towards the human Kingdom of Rotan. Communications from Waterloaf indicate that the city of Waterloaf itself is under attack from the lizard men forces. 2:27
Souriin finds Belimirar is possession of a life crystal. With Joranth’s assistance, he takes the crystal away from Belimirar and places it in safe storage. Souriin orders that all residents of the University must act with extreme caution if they encounter a crystal and are under no circumstances to come in contact with one. Souriin’s analysis of the heartwood obtained from the investigation of the Blight a few days earlier reveals nothing untoward in its composition. Damalanthas begins sending Wanwier disturbing dreams. Belimirar is instructed to use the scrolls of teleportation in the vaults of the University to assist the aarakocrans leave their current home. Investigation of the area indicated on the letter from The Hood (a few leagues north of Rotan) leads to the uncovering of an illithid body in a shallow grave. The group returns to Draco Farm with the body. 2:28
Early in the morning, once Joranth has returned, the group translocates back to Rotan. News arrives that four villages to the south of the Reaches are “gone”. A young survivor (fifteen year old Zak) tells tales of mysterious lights and vanishing bodies. The Lords of Rotan deduce that a force of dark elves is moving north, towards Rotan. Freca Narall (captain of the Rotan patrol) warns of an increase in activity by the anti-elf splinter group of dwarves known as the “Dwarven Freedom Fighters” (DFF). The group is lead by Angar De’Marin, a Nedgari dwarf. The Rotan clock tower begins to speak a strange message, apparently to the Lords of Rotan. It continues singing the same message a period of about one hour: A message from an ancient friend,
this clock it does a-give
You are sitting on a time bomb,
from each side a different threat,
The eastern seas are changing
and the Lords remember not,
Northwards mighty Empire wakes.
Ask the question "why?"
The dwarf Gresh, a DFF sympathiser, admits to Freca that he killed Gerund the Portly under orders from Fengar. She seems to believe that he is lying. Jess Farstrider (the Manticorum in Lerantu) passes on the strange news that Lake Tromay appears to be being emptied by someone or something. Thoylin tells Damalanthas that the Simipian Merchant’s Guild is planning to move the missing Manticorum Blade on Armistice Day (the 30th day of Erin). Flash visits Rotan with the news that the faerie creatures are leaving the Blight-riddled lands. They plan to seek refuge in the Purple Forests far to the west. After Belimirar’s life crystal falls into the hands of King Anwell, Tekuna sneaks into his bedroom, knocks him out and steals it back. She manages to do this completely undetected, and the life crystal is replaced safety (?) in a lead box. Mito the cleric arrives in Rotan. He brings the news that the plainsmen tribes seem to be trading with The Empire. He also informs the adventurers that there seems to be something wrong with the Ocean and there is apparently no Blight on Tillon. 2:29
After showing him the body of the illithid, the Lords of Rotan convince Fengar the Grey to help stop the dark elves from invading Rotan. This is apparently a very difficult decision for Fengar to make, but although he fears retribution from King Kanharn of Urgari, he seems relieved to have made a decision. In a strategy possibly designed to widen growing gulf between the elves and the Nedgari dwarves, Gresh is released after having been “persuaded” by Tekuna and Euvgeni that it is not in the best interests of the dwarves to be making pacts with the elves. Gresh returns to Nedgari to stir things up even more… The news that Waterloaf has fallen reaches Rotan, carried to the gnomes by the woodland creatures. The reports seem to indicate that humans on pundaks assisted the invading lizardmen. (Pundaks are the kangeroo-like creatures used by the forces of Bandit Queen Allys of Béray.) The fate of the Sceptre of Mundiree is unknown. News arrives that during the operation to move the aarakocrans to safety, Belimirar has had some sort of accident, causing him to manifest strange powers. He is now recoving at the University. Despite this incident, the bird-men have been safely move to temporary residence at the University. 2:30 (First day of Armistice)
The wood elf Owen arrives in Rotan, carrying a statuette from Camanthalar. He tells tales of a great “shimmering” in the deep forest to the south. He begins to travel with the Lords, to learn more about the Blight. Early in the morning, the group translocates to Simipia. Several hours later, they meet with the High Seer of Silfey, who tells them that the Simipian Merchant’s Guild is in possession of the missing Manticorum blade. She also refers to the Lords as “empty ones”. Tekuna and Damalanthas meet Marlin Trollarm, head of the House of the Slumbering Serpent, the leading Simipian trading house. He is unable to give them any information about the missing blade, but suggests that Pierce Runtar, head of the House of the Roaring Tiger may be somehow involved. During the day in Simipia, the companions learn that the plainsmen (known as the Tel) are the source of both the smoke power used by the Simipian constabulary and the life crystals. (The life crystals are apparently mined by the dwarves, sent to the Tel for “cutting” and then transported to Simipia for distribution. Aided by his companions, Damalanthas hunts down Pierce Runtar and after mortally wounding him, finds out that the dwarf Dagrad has the missing blade. The dwarf is driving the cage containing a captured dragonne at the head of the Armistice Day parade. Once he has the information, Damalathas spares Runtar’s life, but makes several dire threats before releasing him. The adventurers rush to catch up with the parade, which is reaching a known safe house of the House of the Roaring Tiger. There is a brief, but intense battle outside the safe house, and many Simipians are slain by the female mage who is aiding Dagrad. Dagrad escape into the house with the missing blade. Meanwhile Euvgeni breaks into the back door of the house and surprises two illithids. He slays one of them, but the other one escapes. Damalanthas reaches the house and rushes through the front door. He manages to trap Dagrad, but a further four illthids escape with the blade. The mage who was aiding Dagrad also manages to escape with what seems to have been the illthid’s payment for the blade. Dagrad breaks free of the web which is holding him and tries to attack Damalanthas. He is slain. 2:30
Most of the Lords of Rotan return home, Damalanthas and Tekuna stay to give formal written statements to the judiciary of Simipia. 3:1 (Second day of Armistice)
The Lords learn that severe anti-elf demonstrations have been taking place in Rotan. Anti-elf and pro-Dwarven Freedom Fighter slogans have appear on walls in the city in both human and dwarven script. Damalanthas and Owen are advised by the King to travel with extreme caution outside of the Palace. Joranth begins work with Freca Narall overseeing the fortification preparations for Rotan city. During a planning session with King Anwell and Sepyt, the Lords meet the King’s Fool for the first time. Later, after imprisoning the Fool for allegedly spying on them, the Lords discover that all of the Fool’s possessions seem to be magical. 3:2
As a consequence of this, an elven ambassador (His Eminence Veros Paithen) is currently travelling to Rotan to re-open negotiations with the human nation. Elven ambassadors have also been sent to Simipia and Lerantu. Roleen Cassandra requests Damalanthas’ permission to leave Tillon. King Loren has ordered a formal evacuation of the city, following food riots for two consecutive days. Only Simipia has sent aid to the stricken island, but it hasn't been enough to counter the collapse of the city. 3:4
Damalanthas and Tekuna travel to Feroll to try to rescue Burr’s family, but they are too late – Wanwier has already butchered them all. While in Pirs, the dynamic duo meets Nirvon Drever and obtains a thick file of information on Wanwier’s operations. Euvgeni and Souriin travel to Outreach. Unexpectedly (at least from the ex-council’s perspective) Euvgeni reinstates the Council of Outreach, and then promptly orders them to attack Béray. Detailed battle plans for Operation Hydra are drawn up. 3:5
Damalanthas gives Burr the bad news and then sends Wanwier another dream. Athalar pays Souriin a surprise visit. It seems that he and Areena have been spending time within the Empire. Areena is now missing, probably dead and Athalar intends to return to look for her. Before doing so, he wanted to give Souriin some information. He says that he suspects that the citizens of the Empire are planning to evacuate their island. He also leaves Souriin a copy of a new spell, detect psionics, before leaving using a strange round magic device. 3:6
Belimirar reports that there has been an in-flood of people to the University (scared of the dragon and scared of the dark elves). Souriin travels back with him to the University. Belimirar seems fully recovered from his recent accident. Annaline reports that there has been an attack on one of the RMA’s vehicles in the vicinity of the dragon. There were no fatalities but two horses were killed. Tekuna recruits some of the more useful of the King’s servants to her wing of the palace. Damalanthas and Tekuna learn the following interesting facts about the situation in Pirs from Nirvon’s file. (a) The level of detail in the report is incredible, either Nirvon Drever is paying off some very highly placed men or there is something suspicious going on. (b) Wanwier himself has not made a physical appearance for approximately ten days now, which is quite unusual for him. (c) Wanwier seems to suddenly be buying transport vehicles. (d) The name "Brennil Stork" appears on some of the purchasing orders. This name is a known alias of Shilan Hosar, ex-Rotan thieves’ guild. Sepyt asks Tekuna for a private meeting. During this meeting, he gives her a gift and lets her know that he’ll be out of Rotan for some time. Sepyt also tells Tekuna to trust the King’s Fool. Tekuna releases the King’s Fool, who is very happy to be released. Damalanthas is convinced that thinks he sees the High Seer of Silfey in Rotan, but he isn’t able to follow her to confirm this. Tekuna asks Annaline to try to find out why Wanwier is buying transport vehicles. Annaline sends off carrier pigeons to Pirs asking for more information. Damalanthas, Tekuna, Joranth and Own leave to hunt the "dragon". 3:7
At the same time, they discover a sealed entrance to the dark elf kingdom. Owen breaks open the entrance and the group fights off some fungal creatures. They decide to reseal the entrance, and Joranth also traps it with an electrical glyph of warding. 3:8
Sepyt’s absence is discovered; Tekuna reassures the King that nothing suspicious is going on. Word reaches Rotan from Governer Bolyan Risp of the Bird Islands saying (more or less) "Don’t worry about sending aid, we have sorted out the problem." The Elven ambassador, His Eminence Veros Paithen, arrives in Rotan to discuss "issues". He has a neutral first meeting with Damlanthas. The Lords of Rotan begin making detailed plans to deal with Wanwier and free Pirs. They are aided by a note Tekuna receives during their discussions. |